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Galaxy Travel Tag Snerf

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Shobogan Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Saskatchewan, Canada
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

This is not collectible.

Use TB3FQH3 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

To visit and get dipped in as many caches as possible. 

Please place some pictures of the cachers and beautiful things a princess needs to see that you find along the way onto the usb stick

If possible please keep the jpg's to around 1MB in size.  Also if you can geotag them with the locations awesome

About This Item


So my niece (MonkeySub1) it made it back to WestCan4 Living Skies 2014 (WestCan4)

And if his TB can earn more points than her brothers that's a bonus.

As part of Start Your Engines - 2013

Gallery Images related to Snerf

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Tracking History (28214.6mi) View Map

Mark Missing 1/18/2021 Keep On Trekking marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 1/3/2021 suilblue posted a note for it   Visit Log

Snerf is definitely MIA. His sheet and bag are there.

Write note 11/7/2020 davisar100 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Did not see this trackable in the cache.

Discovered It 9/21/2020 Keep On Trekking discovered it Arizona   Visit Log

Discovered in this cache.

Dropped Off 9/19/2020 tinnerthom placed it in Pine: TB Transfer Station Arizona - 2.95 miles  Visit Log

Dropped this TB and traded it for the Canada Fuzzy Bear Cholla though that one wasn't listed as being here.
Not sure if everyone realizes the SNERF TB is a USB drive for sharing pics. I added 1 or 2 on it.

Visited 9/19/2020 tinnerthom took it to Fall Extravaganza Arizona - .29 miles  Visit Log

I was here

Visited 9/19/2020 tinnerthom took it to No Soup for YOU! Arizona - .52 miles  Visit Log

I was here

Visited 9/19/2020 tinnerthom took it to Critter Cave in Bear Canyon Arizona - 1.19 miles  Visit Log

I was here

Visited 9/18/2020 tinnerthom took it to A Nice Little Walk Arizona - 2.33 miles  Visit Log

I was here

Visited 9/18/2020 tinnerthom took it to Trinket Trail Jar Arizona - 62.64 miles  Visit Log

I was here

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