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Come Together - Yang - Geocoin 2006 Catch My Sister

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Friday, May 29, 2009
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Current Goal

I would like to see my sister (TB2QVZC). If you help me and send a photo of the two of us together to my owner, he will be very pleased and he will let you see his charm (talisman) geocoins. Those GC are never allowed to travel alone so you will never find them in any cache. But if you help me find my sister, you will be allowed to discover them. Rád bych našel svoji sestru (TB2QVZC). Když mi pomužeš a pošleš foto nás dvou zase spolu mému páneckovi, bude rád a ukáže ti své tajné geocoin talismany. Tyto mince nikdy samy necestují, takže je nemužeš najít v žádné schránce. Ale když mi pomužeš najít sestru, budeš je moci objevit.

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Tracking History (24402.3mi) View Map

Discovered It 3/3/2024 Starfish_ discovered it   Visit Log

Actually discovered this TB on December 25th, 2017 while on geocaching tour in Upper Bavaria.

Write note 2/2/2022 Verrijders posted a note for it   Visit Log

Niet gezien in deze cache

Dropped Off 6/5/2021 Ywie placed it in Met Palkia de haven rond... Limburg, Netherlands - 38.1 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 5/16/2021 Ywie retrieved it from fingerspitzengefühl Noord-Brabant, Netherlands   Visit Log

Hij reist weer verder

Team Ywie

Discovered It 5/15/2021 norskskogkatt discovered it Noord-Brabant, Netherlands   Visit Log


Dropped Off 5/13/2021 beb24619 placed it in fingerspitzengefühl Noord-Brabant, Netherlands - 14.25 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 5/2/2021 beb24619 retrieved it from TB-hotel Tienray Limburg, Netherlands   Visit Log

Wij brengen je naar een ander mooi plekje

Discovered It 4/26/2021 Spoorloos discovered it Limburg, Netherlands   Visit Log

Gezien in TB-Hotel Tienray

Discovered It 4/21/2021 Fred1954 discovered it Limburg, Netherlands   Visit Log

Gezien in het prachtige 'TB hotel Tienray'.

Discovered It 4/21/2021 guust1flater discovered it Limburg, Netherlands   Visit Log

Gezien in dit fraaie hotel.

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