Firefighter's Wife: This one should have been archived a loooong time ago. Sorry folks!
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N 39° 08.558 W 94° 43.577
Sunset Hills Christian Church, 6347 Leavenworth Road, KCK
Chili will be provided with a Potluck of Chili Toppings, Salads and desserts.
Let us know who in your crew (names & IDs) to expect and what potluck item you are bringing please.
We're going to try something new this year! We're going to hold a gift exchange. It's not necessary to participate, but you will miss out on a great deal of fun if you skip it!
I'm suggesting for the gift exchange that everyone bring a geocaching related gift in the cost range of $5-$10. Not much you can get for $5-$10?? Use your imagination and be creative!
Most of the older kids would probably prefer to participate in the exchange, but for the little ones, I'll provide a gift. Please make sure I know how many little ones who will need a gift will be in your group
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