Railei - Tonsai Traditional Cache
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This is on the top of a boulder/rock out-cropping between Railei West and Tonsai beaches. Best to wait until low tide to scramble to this cache. High tide will make this cache much more difficult and possible unsafe to attempt. Depending where you start you may need to crawl under some rock outcroppings on sharp rocks. Climbing is a must but no special equipment is needed.
This is a small pill bottle covered in camo tape. Inside you will find log book, pencil, 6 baht coins, and a US/Iceland flag pin. Can be done quickly if you visit Railei beach on a boat trip. If you are not with a group, you can tell the boat captain that you would like to visit at low tide. Note: Gopetar moved from Thailand and can no longer visit the cache as aften as he wants. If someone could visit the cache with a new log and/or a larger container, it would be appreciated.
Additional Hints