Jõnni Traditional Cache
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[ENG] Kihnu (Swedish: Kynö) is an island in the Baltic Sea. With an area of 16.4 km2 (6.3 sq mi) it is the largest island in the Gulf of Riga and the seventh largest island of Estonia. The length of the island is 7 km (4.3 mi) and width 3.3 km (2.1 mi), the highest point is at 8.9 metres (29.2 ft) above sea level.
[EST] Kompenseerimaks leidmata aardeid, peitsime ühe, et oleks järgmistel mida otsida. Aare ise väga lihtsalt leitav, rohkem ei lisakski midagi. Idee pigem, et külastaksite sellist suurepärast kohta nagu see väikesaar. Aare ise on plastikkarbis.
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