AvianLass: I checked on this one today, and it would appear that the Mystery Machine has gone after it's last smiley. Since I likely can't find another one, it's time to say goodbye.
Size: (micro)
This micro is one in my Marathon Caching series. Twenty-six miles in a marathon; twenty-six letters in the alphabet. You get the picture. Collect all 26 clues, and you can find the Marathon Cache Finish Line! It is located within one of Buffalo's many park and ride lots. Not far off, you will find other geocaches, Y, and Shoshone Park; park your geomobile alongside and either go caching or ride the metrotransit system of Buffalo. Remember to write down the clue from the logbook so you can find the Marathon Cache Finish Line later! Mmmm...wouldn't a mysterious micro be good right now?
It is located within one of Buffalo's many park and ride lots. Not far off, you will find other geocaches, Y, and Shoshone Park; park your geomobile alongside and either go caching or ride the metrotransit system of Buffalo. Remember to write down the clue from the logbook so you can find the Marathon Cache Finish Line later!
Mmmm...wouldn't a mysterious micro be good right now?
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