Mesto leži ob sotocju Savinje in Voglajne. Kot Celeia je bilo že v rimskem casu (2. stoletje) pomembno križišce in sedež škofije. Najpomembnejša zgodovinska tocka mesta je Stari grad na Grajskem hribu (407 m), zgrajen sredi 13. stoletja. Od tu je lep razgled na Celje in okolico. Grad je bil nekdaj najvecja utrdba na Slovenskem. Prebivalci so ga zapustili leta 1400, ko so se preselili v Knežji dvorec v mestu. Dokoncno je pa je bil zapušcen v 18. stoletju. V zadnjih letih grad uspešno obnavljajo.
Z avtom se lahko pripeljete prav pred vhod v grad. Škatla je skrita znotraj grajskega obzidja. Žal so nekaj let za tem, ko je bil postavljen zaklad, začeli pobirati vstopnino. Pred obiskom gradu prosim preverite odpiralni čas in cenik, ki sta dostopna na spletni strani gradu: http://www.grad-celje.com/
V škatli so:
Svecnik s svecko
Robcki z motivom
50 € cent
50 forintov
Geolutins Phileas
The city is located at confluence of rivers Savinja and Voglajna. Known as Celeia, it was important road junction already in roman times (2. century AD). The city's most important historical landmark is the Old Castle, located on the Castle Hill (407m), built in the mid. 13th century. From the hill there is beautiful view on Celje and its countryside. In the old days the castle was the biggest fort in today's Slovenia. Inhabitants abandoned the castle in year 1400 and moved to Duke's Pallace in the city. The castle was finaly abandoned in 18th century. In recent years the castle is undergoing extensive renovation.
You can park your car in front of the castle entrance. The cache is hidden inside the castle walls. Unfortunately, a few years after the cache was hidden they started to collect entrance fee. Before visiting the castle, please check current admission rates and opening hours at castle's website: http://castle.grad-celje.com/
Original contents:
Cache note
A candle
Paper handkerchiefs
50 € cent
50 hungarian forints
Geolutin Phileas