A.D. 653.... Lech - the duke, a younger brother of Cech.... made up his mind to settle in the direction of the rising sun.... and friendly told them the following: Brethren of mine who are dear to me and all of my friends: On the third day, before the morning star rises behind the Zrip, I will make a huge fire in the forest at that time and you will see the light of the fire and smoke above it, and then you will know the place I have settled. And he began to build a town with huge walls around.... and according to the smoke he gave it the name Kourim (Smoking).
Leta sestisteho padestateho tretiho... Lech - knize, mladsi bratr Cechuv ... uminil se osaditi na vychod slunce ... a pratelsky se rozzehnav k nim povedel: Bratri mili i vsichni pratele: Tretiho dne, driv nez denice vzejde na Zrip a ja toho casu v lese ohen nesmirny ucinim a kdyz uzrite blesk ohne a dymu koureni, tu znejte me osazeni. A tu pocal mesto staveti a velkymi valy osypati ... a od toho koureni dal jemu jmeno Kourim.
Vaclav Hajek z Libocan: Kronika ceska, 1541
Today's Kourim is a small town, but it used to be one of the most significant towns of Bohemia in the Middle Ages. It looks like frozen in time decades and centuries ago. Don't omit to see well preserved city walls and the Prague Gate (Prazska brana). The open-air Village Museum (Skansen) with examples of traditional folk architecture on the SW edge of the town (N49 59.800 E014 58.350) is also worth visiting.
Dnesni Kourim je male mestecko, ale ve stredoveku byvala krajskym mestem a jednim z nejvyznamnejsich sidel Ceskeho kralovstvi. Dnes tak trochu vypada, jako by se tam cas pred desitkami ba stovkami let zastavil. Neopomente se podivat na zachovale mestske hradby a Prazskou branu. Za navstevu stoji i skanzen lidove architektury na JZ okraji mesta (N49 59.800 E014 58.350). Ve smeru od Prahy se lze do Kourimi dostat napr. autobusem 412, ktery jezdi od nadrazi v Ceskem Brodu pres Lipany nebo vlakem pres Pecky.
N50 00.151 E014 58.699
The church of St. Stephen in the main square was built in 1260s by the Cistercian Order. The nearby belfry originates from 1525. On the external walls of the church there is an interesting display of fifteen Renaissance tombstones. They are made of marble and red sandstone and were originally inserted in the church floor. There is a big rose window with circle-shaped tracery in the wall of the north tower. You can see three tombstones below this window. The middle one (almost square) has several human figures on it. How many? The number = a. (a temporary spoiler: if this side of the church is under repair and unaccessible, you can see it at least on a photo attached to this listing; "a" is an odd number amidst zero and ten :-))
Kostel sv. Stepana na hlavnim namesti byl zbudovan cisterciackym radem v 60. letech 13. stoleti. Zvonice v sousedstvi pochazi z roku 1525. Na venkovnich stenach kostela muzete videt patnact zajimavych renesancnich nahrobniku. Jsou zhotoveny z mramoru ci cerveneho piskovce a puvodne tvorily podlahu uvnitr kostela. Ve zdi severni veze je velke rozetove okno s kruzbou v podobe tri dotykajicich se kruhu. Pod oknem se ve zdi nachazeji tri nahrobniky. Na prostrednim z nich (temer ctvercovem) jsou vyobrazeny lidske postavy. Jejich pocet = a. (prozatimni napoveda: pokud je ona cast kostela v rekonstrukci a na indicii nevidet, muzete si ji prohlednout alespon na fotografii v listingu; "a" je liche cislo na puli cesty mezi nulou a desitkou :-))
From the east side of the church follow the yellow sign down to the stram and behind the bridge uphill.
Od vychodni strany kostela pokracujte po zlute znacce dolu k potoku a za mostkem pesinou do kopce.
N50 00.117 E014 59.041
There is a small rock on the left side of the path. You can see a tourist sign (10x10cm square with three horizontal stripes) painted on the rock. But another colour used to be there before, there are traces of paint under and the sign. What was the original colour? Get the number b using the following list:
Po leve strane cesty je skalka, na ktere vidite turistickou znacku. Predtim tu vsak byla pouzita barva jina. Jeji stopy prosvitaji na okrajich znacky a par kanek se nachazi i pod ni. Jaka barva tu byla predtim? S pomoci nasledujiciho seznamu ziskate cislo b.
e.g./napr.: aVreVs-zLata-goLD=610
(a spoiler (hopefully also temporary): if in doubt about the colour, then the usual colour associaated with spring and summer leaves is the clue :-))
(a jeste jedna (doufejme taky jen docasna) napoveda: v pade pochybnosti je dobre rozhodnout se pro barvu, ktera je typicka pro listi v jarnim a letnim case :-))
N50 00.135 E014 59.181
This rock is called Lechuv kamen (Lech's Stone). According to legends pagan sacrifices took place here. The place offers a great view of the town.
On the side of the rock, close to its SE corner (approximately 3 m from the information board) there is an inscription made with green paint consisting of an arrow (heading up and left) and a two-digit even number. The number = c. (There are some other similar inscriptions around the stone, but this is the most clear and easily visible.)
Stojite u takzvaneho Lechova kamene. Podle povesti zde byvalo v pohanskych dobach obetni misto. Prave odtud mel pry Lech davat kourove signaly svemu bratrovi. Od kamene je skvely vyhled na mesto.
Na boku kamene, pobliz JV rohu (nejake 3 m od informacni tabule) je jasne patrny napis zelenou barvou, ktery sestava ze sipky (vzhuru doleva) a sudeho dvojciferneho cisla. Toto cislo = c. (Po obvodu kamene je jeste nekolik podobnych napisu, ale tento je nejzretelnejsi a nejnapadnejsi.)
An old Slavic fortified settlement called Stara Kourim (Old Kourim) from 9th-10th centuries A.D. is situated on the hill southeast of the present town. Just follow the yellow sign from the Lech's Stone for the next several hundred metres. The remains of fortification (three lines enclosing the hill) are still visible. The evidence of an almost 90 m long hall building were found nearby the Baroque chapel on the top of the hill. There is also a small water reservoir called Libuse in the SE part of the forified area. Close to this pond there was a holy place where the rulers of this area were buried.
Na pahorku jihovychodne od dnesniho mesta se nachazi pozustatky hradiste kmene Zlicanu z 9.-10. stoleti. Trojite valy okruzujici plochu zhruba 40 ha jsou dodnes zretelne. Od Lechova kamene prochazi arealem hradiste zlute znacena naucna stezka s radou informacnich tabuli.
Well, that's interesting, but where is the cache?
No to je vsechno zajimave, ale kdepak je cache?
(a*b) - ((a+c)^2) - ((a+c)*2) = DEFG
Cache is behind a stump EFF metres in the bearing of DGD degrees from N50/E15.
Cache je ulozena za parezem EFF metru smerem DGD stupnu od N50/E15.
P.S. Jestlize jste v Kourimi poprve, a presto vam mnoha mista na trase od prvniho ke tretimu zastaveni pripadnou povedoma, nemylite se. Starosvetsky vyhlizejici mestecko je vitanou filmarskou kulisou. Tady vsude se natacel popularni televizni serial Bylo nas pet. Pokud patrite k jeho fanouskum, muzete v ramci projektu Filmova mista pri prochazce za kesi pomoci dokumentovat skutecne domy, ulice a kusy krajiny, ktere filmari pouzili.