Helsingin mareografi Traditional Cache
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A film canister a few meters off a very precise point in Helsinki.
FIN: Filmipurkki muutaman metrin päässä pisteestä, jonka sijainti tiedetään aikamoisen tarkasti.
GPS-pillar of the Helsinki tide gauge station
Abbreviation: HELS
Antenna platform: granite pillar
Coordinates (EUREF-FIN):
Lat: 60d 09' 13.23436 secs
Lon: 24d 57' 24.23484 secs
Height: about 6 - 8 metres above mean sea level [N60]
Thanks go to the Finnish Geodetic Institute,
you are doing a brilliant job!
At the exact coordinates you will find a granite pillar, which is one of the official Finnish EUREF-FIN coordinate system reference points.
The Finnish Geodetic Institute has measured the coordinates of the bolt on top of the pillar very carefully and they are in EUREF-FIN, which is for all practical intents and purposes the same as the WGS-84 system used by GPS receivers, because the difference is only about 1 m.
Precise coordinates (EUREF-FIN) are:
Lat: 60 d 09.22057267' N
Lon: 24 d 57.40391400' E
Lat: 60.15367621 degrees North
Lon: 24.95673190 degrees East
given in more familiar formats to us Geocachers.
As you can see, the accuracy of this point is a couple of thousand times better than what our cheap (under 10,000 euros) GPS toys can reach...
I created this cache so that everybody could "calibrate" their GPS devices for free in the center of the city.
If your readings show: 60d 09.221 N and 24d 57.404 E - your GPS receiver seems to be in perfect working order.
I would accept anything that is under five metres off. If you get different readings, there is the Baltic Sea nearby where you can throw your misleading and expensive piece of rubbish ... just kidding.
You should not really damage the environment - use a trash bin or go through the setup of your gadget.
The actual cache is a traditional black film canister, and it is hidden about twenty steps away from the granite pillar.
Keep the sea out of your sight when you look for it.
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