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35th Commemorative Birthday Cache Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Prof. Mouse: Last log said cache container was missing and contents scattered around area.

Hidden : 2/23/2003
2 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Cache is in a park, off the beaten trail, but not too much bushwhacking is needed. It's under a bushy bush.

This cache was placed to Commemorate my 35th birthday. It is in a perfect spot. There are lots of little ups and downs as there have been in my life. This cache is not at the highest point, but not at the lowest either - where I like to spend most of my time.

This park is a very nice park that, if you live in the area, have passed hundreds of times probably without realizing it. There is a parking lot very close to the cache.

The cache is not far off the trail, but you may have to bushwhack a bit, especially in the summer.You may find it easier to enter from the trail to the south of the cache in the summer.

The original contents were provided by friends as birthday gifts, specifically to place in the cache: Log book and pencil, Love is an anchor of Life earrings, Soup cans magnet, Purple Heart, Packer earings, Packer safety-pin pin, lips necklace, Crystal, ladybug pin, God Bless America flag pin, bicycler ornament, GeoCoin, Grace the Monarch, Toe Warmers, Purple Rock Travel Bug, Pen from the Pen Cache

Visit this cache and celebrate life and friendship!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

s lbh ner fbhgu bs gur pnpur, snpvat vg, naq ybbx gb gur jrfg, lbh jvyy frr guva gerr arkg gb n gerr funcrq yvxr n I.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)