It's a Wonderful Life Virtual Cache
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Posted coordinates will take you to a purported setting from the movie "It's a Wonderful Life." You must VISIT SITE and answer questions below to lof a find. Thanks!
Find the answer to the following questions, email me the answers (do not answer in log), and log your visit! Have a Wonderful Time!!
1. What is the name of the street, avenue, lane, road, ? , on which the cache is located? (Hint: there are 5...oops 4...seems one went missing... answers)
2. What happened here in 1917?
NOTE 11/20/2004 - From Dec.3 to 5 Seneca Falls is hosting "A Wonderful Life Celebration." The three day event features actress Karolyn Grimes who played Zuzu Bailey in the movie. She will discuss the film, answer questions and sign autographs. Other planned events include the town and bridge decorated with lights similiar to those in the movie, a Christmas Concert, a parade, a tree-lighting ceremony and special events for the kids! Might be a good time to find this one. THIS TIME OF YEAR THIS IS AN EXCELLENT NIGHT CACHE!!
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)