Sea Point Contact Virtual Cache
Goofster: I have decided that the new Earth Cache at this location should take precedence over the Virtual Cache, so I'm archiving this one. Thanks to all who made the effort to find and log this cache over the years.
Size: (virtual)
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A cache you can drive to!
You can start your search for this cache, which is of great geological significance, at any point along the Sea Point promenade, or if you're lazy you can drive right up to it! In order to claim a find, you must visit the cache site and then send me an email with the answer to the following question:
How long ago, in millions of years, did this event take place? (Please note that you will probably only find the right answer at the cache site itself. "Guesswork" will in future be discouraged.)
Do not post the answer on this page even if encrypted.
Additional Hints
Gurer ner gjb cbgragvny pnpurf ng guvf fvgr. Bayl bar jvyy cebivqr lbh jvgu gur nafjre lbh frrx.