There's also my easy series of Little Bridges Adventure Labs that can be done in conjunction with these caches along the footpath.

The Little Bridges series was started by Stanthews in 2009 to highlight small footbridges in remote parts of Wiltshire. Since then the series has been expanded by others all over the country and starting to spread fast. There is a stats listing, so you can see how many Little Bridges you have found, you can find it here:- . If you would like to add to the series, please contact Stan via the Little Bridges website with your caching name, name of your Little Bridge and the GC code and he will give you a number for your bridge. To qualify, the bridge must be a foot bridge too small for vehicles, please make sure your title exactly matches "Little Bridges # xxxx then the name" including spaces so it will get picked up and added to stats list.