🇦🇹 Der Wiener Stephansdom
Der Stephansdom (eigentlich Dom- und Metropolitankirche zu St. Stephan und allen Heiligen) am Wiener Stephansplatz (Bezirk Innere Stadt) ist seit 1365 Domkirche (Sitz eines Domkapitels), seit 1469/1479 Kathedrale (Bischofssitz) und seit 1723 Metropolitankirche des Erzbischofs von Wien. Der von den Wienern kurz Steffl genannte römisch-katholische Dom gilt als Wahrzeichen Wiens und wird mitunter auch als österreichisches Nationalheiligtum bezeichnet. Namensgeber ist der heilige Stephanus, der als erster christlicher Märtyrer gilt. Das zweite Patrozinium ist Allerheiligen.
Das Bauwerk ist 109 Meter lang und 72 Meter breit. Der Dom ist eines der wichtigsten gotischen Bauwerke in Österreich. Teile des spätromanischen Vorgängerbaues von 1230/40 bis 1263 sind noch erhalten und bilden die Westfassade, flankiert von den beiden Heidentürmen, die etwa 65 Meter hoch sind. Insgesamt besitzt der Stephansdom vier Türme: Mit 136,4 Metern ist der Südturm der höchste, der Nordturm wurde nicht fertiggestellt und ist nur 68 Meter hoch. Im ehemaligen Österreich-Ungarn durfte keine Kirche höher als der Südturm des Stephansdoms erbaut werden. So wurde beispielsweise der Mariä-Empfängnis-Dom in Linz um zwei Meter niedriger gebaut.
Der Südturm ist ein architektonisches Meisterwerk der damaligen Zeit; trotz seiner bemerkenswerten Höhe ist das Fundament weniger als vier Meter tief. Im Südturm befinden sich insgesamt 13 Glocken, wovon elf das Hauptgeläut des Stephansdoms bilden. Die Pummerin, die drittgrößte freischwingend geläutete Kirchenglocke Europas, befindet sich seit 1957 im Nordturm unter einer Turmhaube aus der Renaissance.
Quelle: wikipedia
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Mache ein Foto eines deiner Körperteile (Nase, Ohr, Gesicht, Finger, oder auch eine Zehe), im Hintergrund erkennbar den Stephansdom, und füge dieses Foto deinem Log hinzu ... und schon fertig. :)
Über einen Favoritenpunkt 💙 würden wir uns natürlich sehr freuen.
Vielen Dank und noch viel Spaß im schönen Wien.
🇺🇸 St. Stephen's Cathedral
St. Stephen's Cathedral (more commonly known by its German title: Stephansdom) is the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vienna and the seat of the Archbishop of Vienna, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, OP. The current Romanesque and Gothic form of the cathedral, seen today in the Stephansplatz, was largely initiated by Duke Rudolf IV (1339–1365) and stands on the ruins of two earlier churches, the first a parish church consecrated in 1147. The most important religious building in Vienna, St. Stephen's Cathedral has borne witness to many important events in Habsburg and Austrian history and has, with its multi-coloured tile roof, become one of the city's most recognizable symbols.
The church was dedicated to St. Stephen, also the patron of the bishop's cathedral in Passau, and so was oriented toward the sunrise on his feast day of 26 December, as the position stood in the year that construction began. Built of limestone, the cathedral is 107 metres (351 ft) long, 40 metres (130 ft) wide, and 136 metres (446 ft) tall at its highest point. Over the centuries, soot and other forms of air pollution accumulating on the church have given it a black colour, but recent restoration projects have again returned some portions of the building to their original white.
Standing at 136 meters (446 ft) tall and affectionately referred to by the city's inhabitants as "Steffl" (a diminutive form of "Stephen"), St. Stephen's Cathedral's massive south tower is its highest point and a dominant feature of the Vienna skyline. Its construction lasted 65 years, from 1368 to 1433. During the Siege of Vienna in 1529 and again during the Battle of Vienna in 1683, it served as the main observation and command post for the defence of the walled city, and it even contains an apartment for the watchmen who, until 1955, manned the tower at night and rang the bells if a fire was spotted in the city. At the tip of the tower stands the double-eagle imperial emblem with the Habsburg-Lorraine coat of arms on its chest, surmounted by a double-armed apostolic cross, which refers to Apostolic Majesty, the imperial style of kings of Hungary. This emblem replaced earlier crescent and the six-pointed star emblem. The original emblem, as well as a couple of later ones, today can be seen at the Vienna City Museum.
The north tower was originally intended to mirror the south tower, but the design proved too ambitious, considering the era of Gothic cathedrals was nearing its end, and construction was halted in 1511. In 1578, the tower-stump was augmented with a Renaissance cap, nicknamed the "water tower top" by the Viennese. The tower now stands at 68 metres (223 ft) tall, roughly half the height of the south tower.
The main entrance to the church is named the Giant's Door, or Riesentor, possibly referring to the thighbone of a mammoth that hung over it for decades after being unearthed in 1443 while digging the foundations for the north tower, or else to the funnel shape of the door, from the Middle High German word risen, meaning 'sink or 'fall'. The tympanum above the Giant's Door depicts Christ Pantocrator flanked by two winged angels, while on the left and right are the two Roman Towers, or Heidentürme, that each stand at approximately 65 metres (213 ft) tall. The name for the towers derives from the fact that they were constructed from the rubble of old structures built by the Romans (German Heiden meaning heathens or pagans) during their occupation of the area. Square at the base and octagonal above the roofline, the Heidentürme originally housed bells; those in the south tower were lost during World War II, but the north tower remains an operational bell tower. The Roman Towers, together with the Giant's Door, are the oldest parts of the church.
Quelle: wikipedia
*** Log condition ***
Take a photo of one of your parts of your body (nose, ear, face, finger, or a toe) and recognizable in the background the Stephansdom and add this photo to your log ... and already done. :)
We would of course be very happy about a favorite point 💙.
Thank you and have fun in beautiful Vienna.
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