LV: Rīgas Brāļu kapi ir izcilākais un nozīmīgākais Latvijas memoriālais ansamblis. Tas veltīts I Pasaules karā un Latvijas brīvības cīņās (1915-1920) kritušajiem karavīriem. Kapos guldīti aptuveni 3000 varoņi, to skaitā ap 300 nezināmie. Tie atrodas Rīgas ziemeļaustrumos – 5 km no pilsētas centra un aptver 9 ha lielu teritoriju.
To iekārtošana ilga 21 gadu un kapu tapšanā atzīmējami divi posmi:
1915.-1923. gads, kad atbilstoši Rīgas dārzu direktora Andreja Zeidaka priekšlikumiem tika iekārtota kapu ainaviskā daļa.
1923.-1936. gads, kad memoriālā ainava, atbilstoši Brāļu kapu komitejas iecerei izveidota par ainavisku, arhitektonisku un tēlniecisku ansambli. Ansambļa arhitektoniskos darbus vadīja profesors akadēmiķis P.Feders. Rīgas Brāļu kapu tēlnieciskais noformējums veidots pēc tēlnieka Kārļa Zāles ieceres. Ansambļa iekārtošanā piedalījušies arī arhitekts A. Birznieks, tēlnieki M. Šmalcs, N. Maulics, P. Banders u.c.
Rīgas Brāļu kapi memoriālais ansamblis iesvētīts Lāčplēša dienā – 1936. gada 11.novembrī un tajā ir apvienotas 3 daļas:
Pārdomu ceļš ar 205 m garo liepu aleju;
Varoņu terase ar Svētās uguns altāri un ozolu birzi;
Kapulauks, kuru noslēdz Latvijas siena ar ansambļa vainagojošo skulpturālo grupu – Mātes tēlu ar kritušajiem dēliem (sauktu arī par Māti Latviju).
Jau pārkāpjot vārtu slieksni, telpas dziļumā 457 m attālumā redzams Mātes Latvijas tēls. Tikai, pārejot pāri Varoņu terasei un nonākot līdz tās malai, visā savā diženumā un traģismā atsedzas iedziļinātais kapulauks. Aprāvies ir garais Pārdomu ceļš, nonākdams pie simboliskā, nepārkāpjamā sliekšņa, kura vienā pusē atrodas dzīvie , otrā – mirušie.
Rīgas Brāļu kapu memoriālais ansamblis ar savu dziļo māksliniecisko izteiksmi un tajā pausto ideju ir Latvijas nacionālais lepnums. Tas ir pirmais šāda veida ansamblis Eiropā, kas ar ainavas, skulpturālos tēlu un arhitektūras valodā apliecina tautas pateicību kritušajiem varoņiem.
Ja vēlies uzzināt vairāk, vari apskatīt ŠO linku!.
UZDEVUMS(no 18.05.2022): Lai reģistrētu šo slēpni kā atrastu, Jums FI ierakstam jāpievieno foto, kurā uz skulpturālās grupas "Māte Latvija" fona esiet redzams jūs(seja nav obligāta) VAI jūsu GC vārds!
Lai izdodās!
Daudzus gadus atpakaļ te atradās Brāļu kapiem veltīts tradicionālais slēpnis "Brothers' Cemetery".
Novietot te virtuālo slēpni man ieteica Karlittos, kurš esot foršs čalis!!
Ja interesē citi mani slēpņi, skaties te.

EN: The Riga Brother Cemetery is the most important and outstanding Latvian memorial ensemble. It is dedicated to the soldiers who fell during World War I and the Latvian Freedom Fights (1915-1920). Ca. 3 thousand heroes, including 300 unknown soldiers, lie buried in the Cemetery ground. The Riga Brother Cemetery is situated in the north-east of Riga, 5 km from the City Center, covering 9 hectares of area.
It took 21 years to complete the Riga Brother Cemetery in two important stages:
1915–1923: the scenic part of the Cemetery was created according to proposals by Andrejs Zeidaks, director of the Riga Gardens company.
1923–1936: the memorial landscape was turned into a landscaping, architectural and sculptural ensemble according to an idea proposed by the Brethren Cemetery Committee. The architectural section works were led by professor and academician P. Feders. The sculptural section of the Riga Brother Cemetery was created according to a plan by sculptor K. Zāle. Architect A. Birznieks, sculptors M. Šmalcs, N. Maulics, P. Banders and others took part in the arrangement of the ensemble, too. The Riga Brother Cemetery memorial ensemble was consecrated on 11 November 1936 (Lāčplēša diena: the Latvian Freedom Fighters’ Remembrance Day).
The ensemble consists of three parts:
The Reflection Path with a 205 m long linden tree avenue;
The Heroes Terrace with the Holy Fire Altar and an oak grove;>
The Cemetery which ends in the Wall of Latvia with a sculptural group, the Image of Mother with fallen sons (also known as Mother Latvia), which adds the finishing touch to the ensemble.
The Image of Mother Latvia is visible in the background at a distance of 457 meters as soon as one steps over the Cemetery threshold. It is only after passing over the Heroes Terrace and coming to its side that the sunken cemetery is exposed in all its glory and tragedy. In approaching the symbolic, impassable threshold, with the living on the one side and the dead on the other side, the long Reflection Path has come to an abrupt end.
The Riga Brother Cemetery memorial ensemble, with its deep artistic expression and the idea expressed in it, is the national pride of Latvia. This is the first ensemble of its kind in Europe and it expresses the gratitude of the nation to the fallen heroes, in the language of landscape, sculpture and architecture.
If you want to know more see this LINK!.
TASK(from 18.05.2022): To register this cache as found you must ad a photo to your FI log, where on the background of the sculptural group "Mother Latvia" your selfy(face is not required) OR your GC nickname can be seen!
Good luck!
Many years ago there was a traditional cache named "Brothers' Cemetery"hidden nearby.
The idea for placing a virtual geocache here came from Karlittos, who is a very cool guy!
See here for my other geocaches.
Virtual Reward - 2017/2018
This Virtual Cache is part of a limited release of Virtuals created between August 24, 2017 and August 24, 2018. Only 4,000 cache owners were given the opportunity to hide a Virtual Cache. Learn more about Virtual Rewards on the Geocaching Blog.