Counting Counties (Silver) - RM Challenge #143 Mystery Cache
Counting Counties (Silver) - RM Challenge #143
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To claim this challenge, you must have found at least one cache in each of 200 counties in the United States. This is 100 additional counties over the Bronze level. This challenge cache is at the above coordinates, but in order to log a find, you must have completed this challenge.
There are 3142 counties in the United States. To complete the challenge, find caches in at least 200 different counties. You can use the Project-GC checker to document completing this challenge.
CuteLilFuzzyMonkey and RetiredGuy have combined to put out the Retired Monkey Challenge Trail. At least one of the two of us has qualified for each challenge. Because we have very different caching styles, it will be very tough for one person to complete all of them. Your progress will be tracked on the leaderboard. As with many good caches, our inspiration for many of these caches came from others, so thank you all!
For the caches in this series, we have provided a checker through Project GC to verify whether you have met the challenge. You can also go to the Verification Page to see for which of the challenges you have qualified.

You can use the above link to check your progress.
As of July 24, 2016 CuteLilFuzzyMonkey has found caches in 220 U.S. counties and RetiredGuy has found caches in 223 U.S. counties.
You may sign the log before completing the challenge. If you have do this, please use a "Write note" log to record your find and then a "Found it" log once you have completed the challenge.
RetiredGuy, living in Vero Beach, will be responsible for the maintenance on this cache.

Additional Hints
(No hints available.)