Historical guide to the city of Xanten (DE & EN) Wherigo Cache
Historical guide to the city of Xanten (DE & EN)
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Historischer Rundgang durch Xanten / Historical tour of Xanten

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Viel Spaß!!
Have fun !!
Additional Hints
QR:Uvagre qrz Oruäygre, erpugf hagra vz Obqra, svaqrg vue qvr Yöfhat. Ovggr jvrqre thg irefgrpxra! Abgsnyyyöfhat: Fpunygre..
RA: Oruvaq gur Pnfr , ng gur obggbz evtug va gur tebhaq , lbh jvyy svaq gur fbyhgvba . Cyrnfr uvqr jryy ntnva !