Thanks Reviewers (Bronze) - RM Challenge #23 Mystery Cache
Thanks Reviewers (Bronze) - RM Challenge #23
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To claim this challenge, you must find caches published by 40 different reviewers. This cache is at the above coordinates, but in order to log a find, you must have completed this challenge.
Your log must state the date, GC code, and reviewer name for each qualifying cache.
Note: Caches before July 2005 do not list "Published Logs", and therefore you cannot see the reviewers. It can be seen by the cache owner at the bottom of the page. Thus, if the CO is still active, you can try to contact them to see who published the cache.
CuteLilFuzzyMonkey and RetiredGuy have combined to put out the Retired Monkey Challenge Trail. In the tradition of challenge caches, at least one of the two of us has qualified for each challenge. Because we have very different caching styles, the challenges will be very tough for one person to complete all of them. Your progress will be tracked on the leaderboard. As with many good caches, our inspiration for many of these caches came from others, so thank you all!
For most of the caches in this series, we will provide a checker through Project GC to verify whether you have met the challenge. Often the script is written by others, so they might not word the results perfectly, but it will save a huge amount of time to check if you have met the challenge.
You can use the above link to check your progress
Note that this checker will not check caches before July 2005
Here is RetiredGuy's signoff on this challenge from the Project-GC Checker:
You have found caches published by 121 reviewers
2009-10-22: GCZ6JR - published by erik88l-r
2009-10-23: GC17WZE - published by geoaware
2009-10-31: GC1TY17 - published by MadMin
2009-11-04: GCTMEG - published by gpsfun
2009-11-08: GC1RHB7 - published by data trax reviewer
2009-11-11: GC1PQ44 - published by New York Admin
2009-11-12: GC15K8F - published by Pofe
2009-11-18: GCZH4K - published by Crow T Robot
2009-11-27: GCYY3C - published by palmetto
2010-01-10: GC21F6R - published by NH Zamboni
2010-01-28: GC172EG - published by IronHorseReviewer
2010-01-29: GCW7V7 - published by Reviewer Web-ling
2010-02-19: GC134W5 - published by BoJaB
2010-02-26: GC1D1EJ - published by Dot Plotter
2010-02-26: GCRPZV - published by Keystone
2010-02-26: GC1J84W - published by Quiggle
2010-03-13: GCZWFE - published by Nomex
2010-03-13: GC1XBXD - published by Krypton
2010-04-25: GC1HHT9 - published by Prime Reviewer
2010-04-30: GCQ56Z - published by Reviewer Jones
2010-05-01: GC252HZ - published by Old CU
2010-05-01: GC1JJAR - published by Reviewer of the Cache
2010-05-01: GC224RE - published by Chuck Walla
2010-05-03: GC1YZY6 - published by Hemlock
2010-05-08: GC1MPKH - published by OReviewer
2010-05-26: GC1WET1 - published by miguaine
2010-05-31: GC18M81 - published by NCreviewer
2010-07-01: GCWB33 - published by Lactodorum
2010-07-01: GC235YX - published by The Bee Keeper
2010-07-01: GC1QPQA - published by Graculus
2010-07-03: GC1CA9C - published by riviouveur
2010-07-04: GC18DNC - published by overview
2010-07-05: GC27K4E - published by geoawareUK
2010-07-14: GC1P1JA - published by Marko Ramius
2010-07-14: GC25TW0 - published by Kosh Naranek
2010-07-24: GC1G414 - published by Croaghan
2010-07-24: GCPZ0J - published by Eckington
2010-08-11: GCRA7C - published by mtn-man
2010-08-25: GC1E71D - published by Reviewer Hilts
2010-08-25: GC1FP7Y - published by The Mad Reviewer
2010-08-25: GC12HNB - published by Mountain Climber
2010-09-03: GC28N96 - published by MainePublisher
2010-10-15: GCR0RE - published by WestCoastAdmin
2010-10-24: GCYQ7T - published by Electric Mouse
2010-10-25: GC298KZ - published by Lord Stirling
2010-11-20: GCR801 - published by FloridaCacher
2011-05-15: GCRX9P - published by SoCalAdmin
2011-05-19: GC2KF7B - published by geoawareHQ
2011-08-13: GC2Y28Y - published by NHPride
2011-09-15: GC2XY2Y - published by Deceangi
2011-09-15: GC31DXT - published by Long Man
2011-09-18: GCXWK4 - published by Pohatu Nuva
2011-10-22: GC16YBC - published by Mr. Ollivander
2011-10-27: GC331H4 - published by Doctor Teeth
2011-10-28: GC2EBX4 - published by -DeRock-
2011-11-11: GC37CEY - published by trackfile
2012-02-05: GC30K2D - published by TheScarlettReviewer
2012-05-08: GCY26G - published by SC_Reviewer
2012-07-07: GC2ACJJ - published by Peter Puffin
2012-07-08: GC1ZJCB - published by tabula.rasa
2012-07-08: GC2BTMJ - published by Fritz-aus-Bayern
2012-07-08: GC1THMK - published by fortwo
2012-07-10: GC3M5AG - published by Vrso
2012-08-28: GCVGED - published by °
2012-08-28: GC1X96W - published by eigengott
2012-08-28: GC1X96Z - published by 2
2012-08-28: GC2YMKF - published by Herr Mux
2012-08-28: GC1V2H8 - published by James Bond
2012-08-30: GC3NFFP - published by Konaitusa
2012-09-05: GC33CDY - published by Kuzhadwelet
2012-09-09: GC3TAQF - published by greensprouts
2012-09-09: GCRWBH - published by habot
2012-09-10: GC2483G - published by Miss Undercover
2012-09-11: GC3KPZC - published by Tschudo Judo
2013-02-01: GC2TYWR - published by ROTSIP
2013-02-07: GC2XY30 - published by HighCountryAdmin
2013-02-07: GC3GVB8 - published by Alpine Reviewer
2013-02-08: GC1YKC5 - published by Heartland Cacher
2013-02-09: GCT99E - published by LaPaglia
2013-05-25: GC3K3YB - published by CathyH
2013-07-04: GC1YT70 - published by BlueRajah
2013-07-18: GC3P589 - published by BrindleDog
2013-07-19: GC3F3X4 - published by LavaLizard
2013-07-20: GC2V1W2 - published by geoawareUSA1
2013-09-14: GC3RW9D - published by LZ33
2013-11-19: GC3N6GR - published by skeetsurfer
2013-11-19: GC3THQ8 - published by Tom Bombadil
2014-01-13: GC3DEMV - published by geoawareCA
2014-03-16: GC3P2YJ - published by Curglaff
2014-03-16: GC1HKKB - published by Zero Gravitas
2014-03-19: GC31KKV - published by GeoawareANZAC
2014-03-24: GC1MVV3 - published by camocrab
2014-03-26: GC4HXR9 - published by status quo
2014-04-07: GC21T7D - published by cacheblex
2014-04-12: GC1RX39 - published by pupSino
2014-04-13: GC1BCF5 - published by TrainTour Reviewer
2014-04-13: GC4AKG8 - published by garu
2014-04-13: GC21A48 - published by Geolens Reviewer
2014-04-17: GC11B7N - published by haggaeus
2014-04-18: GC52CDF - published by Qualiflyer
2014-04-21: GC1BZ6T - published by Tafari
2014-04-22: GC1FPFY - published by Kanne und Siki
2014-04-23: GC455TT - published by Silesian Reviewer
2014-04-24: GC49A6R - published by Inspector Fox
2014-06-19: GC2ZDZQ - published by GeoDesertTiger
2014-06-25: GCZ7V7 - published by RoadRunner
2014-07-03: GC2GHE8 - published by geoawareUSA2
2014-08-07: GCQV5E - published by OpinioNate
2014-08-07: GC3GQ9B - published by GeoawareUSA4
2014-09-15: GC4DD63 - published by Ildebrando
2014-09-16: GC487RN - published by GeoawareGBL
2014-09-16: GC2MQCY - published by GeoAwareEU1
2014-09-17: GC2J0F7 - published by kazuma
2014-09-18: GC30H3P - published by Semper Liberi
2014-09-29: GC2XZYK - published by Antefix
2014-09-29: GC1YTTH - published by stash-lab
2014-09-29: GC4T0EJ - published by Xanthe Terra
2014-09-29: GC282V6 - published by geoawareUSA3
2014-10-12: GC5AAWN - published by GeoAwareUSA6
2014-12-09: GC4WKT0 - published by Vandergore
2015-01-17: GC4XGME - published by SirCrab
Rules for the challenge caches in this series:
1) As with all caches, the decision as to whether a log is valid rests solely with the cache owner.
2) We have provided a verification tool whenever possible. It might not be perfect and is therefore not the final authority (see #1).
3) You may sign the log before completing the challenge. If you have do this, please use a "Write note" log to record your find and then a "Found it" log once you have completed the challenge.
4) Your log must contain enough information to prove you have met the challenge. We suggest using the verification checker if one is available. You do not always need to provide the entire output of the checker as it can sometimes be quite verbose.

Additional Hints
(No hints available.)