Social Butterfly (Gold) - RM Challenge #71 Mystery Cache
Social Butterfly (Gold) - RM Challenge #71
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To claim this challenge, you must attend 30 geocaching events. This is 10 additional events beyond the Silver level. The cache is at the above coordinates, but in order to log a find, you must have completed this challenge.
Your log must contain a statement of the number of event caches that you have attended. For verification, you may leave it to us to check your user profile or you may post a list of event names, GC codes, and dates in the log or linked bookmark list.
CuteLilFuzzyMonkey and RetiredGuy have combined to put out the Retired Monkey Challenge Trail. In the tradition of challenge caches, at least one of the two of us has qualified for each challenge. Because we have very different caching styles, the challenges will be very tough for one person to complete all of them. Your progress will be tracked on the leaderboard. As with many good caches, our inspiration for many of these caches came from others, so thank you all!
For most of the caches in this series, we will provide a checker through Project GC to verify whether you have met the challenge. Often the script is written by others, so they might not word the results perfectly, but it will save a huge amount of time to check if you have met the challenge.
You can use the above link to check your progress
Here is RetiredGuy's signoff on this challenge from the Project-GC Checker:
I made it with 39 finds and needed only 30
GC255J9 2010-10-01 First Mass - 10 Years!
GC2F6FV 2010-10-30 Put a Face to Your Name in month of Oct, 30 Event.
GC2HJP5 2010-11-20 Put a Face to Your Name in month of Nov, 20 Event
GC2K7V4 2011-01-01 First Light 2011
GC335P8 2011-10-01 First Mass - 11 Years!
GC37DTG 2012-01-01 First Light 2012
GC3ARFK 2012-02-09 Pizza, Pasta, and Conversation
GC3B979 2012-02-29 Celebrate Sadie Hawkins Day and Leap Day
GC3JB46 2012-05-28 Thoto in Boston - Open Air Meet and Greet
GC3QJAZ 2012-08-04 Going Dutch
GC3QK5G 2012-10-01 First Mass - 12 Years!
GC4175D 2012-12-12 12-12-12 St. Maarten Flash Mob
GC43REH 2013-01-17 Drinks in Paradise I (January 17) - Orient Beach
GC446EE 2013-01-24 Drinks in Paradise II (January 24) - Orient Beach
GC46RH9 2013-03-13 Drinks in Paradise III (March 13) - Orient Beach
GC4870K 2013-05-01 Meet Emilie Josselin: Boston
GC45DDC 2013-05-04 WWFM X - Boston/Cambridge, MA
GC4B1RW 2013-05-14 Drinks in Paradise IV (May 14) - Orient Beach
GC3K3YB 2013-05-25 GeoWoodstock XI
GC46XA7 2013-05-26 Peace, Love and CITO
GC4BYJF 2013-06-15 Put a Face to Your Name in month of June, 15 Event
GC4KWK1 2013-10-01 First Mass - 13 Years!
GC4NFNR 2013-11-09 Put a Face to Your Name in month of Nov, 09 Event
GC4QFV5 2014-01-01 First Light 2014
GC4VMMZ 2014-01-10 Boston Rocks on EarthCache 10th Birthday!
GC4W9JJ 2014-01-18 Drinks in Paradise V (January 18) - Orient Beach
GC4W9N4 2014-01-22 Drinks in Paradise VI (January 22) - Orient Beach
GC50H94 2014-04-05 TFTC! Maker Madness of Greater Boston
GC54W6C 2014-06-07 WWFM XI - L'île des Pins, Nouvelle-Calédonie
GC55WFP 2014-07-03 Meet Team OHMASSTEX on the ET Highway
GC544FY 2014-08-02 M&M Picnic V
GC534X0 2014-09-08 Hello World! - Boston
GC5CPTQ 2014-10-11 Cruise Stop #5 - Boston Flash Mob Event
GC5EQNW 2014-11-22 The Snowbirds Have Arrived SCGA Meet, Greet & Eat
GC5GHEC 2014-12-03 Lunch & Drinks in Paradise (Dec. 3) - Orient Beach
GC5GHF6 2014-12-07 Drinks in Paradise VIII (Dec. 7) - Orient Beach
GC5GVB3 2015-01-01 First Light 2015
GC5JVVN 2015-01-18 Lunch in Paradise IX (Jan. 18) – RetiredGuy's BDay
Rules for the challenge caches in this series:
1) As with all caches, the decision as to whether a log is valid rests solely with the cache owner.
2) We have provided a verification tool whenever possible. It might not be perfect and is therefore not the final authority (see #1).
3) You may sign the log before completing the challenge. If you have do this, please use a "Write note" log to record your find and then a "Found it" log once you have completed the challenge.
4) Your log must contain enough information to prove you have met the challenge. We suggest using the verification checker if one is available. You do not always need to provide the entire output of the checker as it can sometimes be quite verbose.

Additional Hints
(No hints available.)