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Let's Party Like It's 12/13/14! Event Cache

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Sapience Trek: Event is over, time to archive.

Hidden : Saturday, December 13, 2014
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

An event to celebrate 12/13/14! 

We'll meet at the Ithaca Sciencenter, 601 1st St, in Ithaca, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.


Geocaching has a fun tradition of celebrating dates with interesting number patterns, and there won't be an occurrence of a sequential date for almost another 89 years (January 2, 2103). So here's your chance to celebrate along with other cachers around the world. (Although in much of the world this date is actually known as 13/12/14, geocachers never miss out on a chance for a party).

The main focus will be visiting with fellow cachers ... a great opportunity to catch up with folks you haven't seen in a while, or put faces to names you may have only seen in logs before. Light refreshments will be provided.  Please bring your trackables to be traded or "discovered".

We are hoping to coordinate a video link with a simultaneous event in New Zealand hosted by tikitour (who just visited here recently), which will give us all the opportunity to visit with her again, meet some of her friends, and and discover some really long distance trackables. It looks like our plans to connect with tikitour are probably not going to work out, but it's possible we might be able connect with some other folks. The cache page will be updated if something gets worked out.

Several local cachers are planning to put out new caches in honor of the occasion, and we'll plan on a raffle of donated items. If anyone is interested in donating a raffle item, please contact teamajk. Please note that this event was not put together in time to arrange for any 12/13/14 geocoins, so unfortunately they will not be available for sale. 

The event is free and open to all, but donations of a dollar or two will be gratefully accepted to offset the cost of the room. We will be in the Sciencenter Community Room; note that the actual museum closes at 5:00 and will not be open during the event.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)