First Phoenix Geocachers "Happy Hour" Event Cache
GCB0B: The site is still there, but the event is over. We'll need to plan a picnic before the temperature is TOO hot.
First Phoenix Geocachers "Happy Hour"
Thursday, March 22, 2001
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in our disclaimer.
Saturday March 31, 5pm til ?.___
Come have a drink and meet the people whose names you've been seeing in the log books.
Phoenix seems to have enough geocachers to make this a possibility, and the idea has been batted around before. Therefore, I'm creating this "One-Time-Cache" which is set for 5pm on Saturday March 31. Look for the little flag on the table with the Geocaching logo. To make this a real cache, the first pitcher's on me. The place also serves food if you're hungry. If you're interested, add a note log to this cache so we can get an idea of how many will show up.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)