King's Family Tree Traditional Cache
tslgirl&wudd: Been having trouble keeping up with this one - have replaced a couple times and it keeps getting muggled. Would like to archive it instead. Thanks!
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This is our first cache hide - it should be a quick grab, though certain times of the day (or year) can produce a higher rate of muggle traffic (so be careful!). The container is on the small side (so BYOP), but provides enough space for a couple travel bugs, trinkets, or coins. The container is secured by a tether, so please be sure to reattach, or tighten it before you leave!
There's a travel bug in there for FTF. Happy hunting!
(We used our cell phones to approximate the coordinates, so if there are issues, please let us know and we can adjust.)
Additional Hints
Vg'f ortvaavat gb fzryy n ybg yvxr Puevfgznf.