Village Signs - No.23 Silsoe Multi-Cache
Village Signs - No.23 Silsoe
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The village sign at Silsoe was put up to mark the year 2000 and depicts Wrest Park, St James Church, The 'Cage' and a tractor to represent the agrcultural college in the village.
To find the cache you need to visit the sign and find the answers to the following questions
There is a word on the brick base of the sign, how many letters does it have? AB
How many times does the letter S appear on the sign? C
On a nearby sign, how far is it to Gravenhurst? 1 1/D
N52 00.(A*C-A)B(D*3)
W00 25.D(C-A)(D+1)
If anybody would like to expand this series please do. I would just ask that you let Smokeypugs know first so they can keep track of the Village Sign numbers and names to avoid duplication.
Additional Hints
haqre gur oevne, yrsg unaq fvqr bs genpx, pbeare cbfg.