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Monument Tri Cisaru / Three Emperors' Traditional Cache

Hidden : 5/4/2013
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Kes obsahuje / Cache contains:
- Logbook
- Propisku / Pen
- Informace pro nalezce / Cache note
(Propisky maji sklony se ztracet, noste si radeji vlastni. / Pens tend to disappear, better bring your own.)

Monument je pristupny z obou smeru dalnice D1 i ze silnice prvni tridy c. 430 Brno-Vyskov.

Tato kes ma 3 jednoducha pravidla:

1) Krome logbooku a propisky do ni NIC PROSIM NEVKLADEJTE, hlavne ZADNE, ale opravdu ZADNE TB/GC, ani dalsi predmety jako kinder trash, projete jizdenky, plastove nesmysly, atd. atd. POZOR - kes byla jiz dvakrat kompletne vykradena.

2) Se schrankou zachazejte opatrne a zanechte ji v takovem stavu, v jakem byste kazdou slusnou kes radi nasli. Jakekoli potreby udrzby hlaste logem typu "Needs maintenance".
3) Jedna se o pietni misto, proto se k nemu prosim chovejte s uctou k tisicum zde padlych. Pripadne odpadky si odneste s sebou.

Monument is accessible from both directions of the D1 highway and also from the road No. 430 Brno-Vyskov.

This cache has 3 basic rules:

1) Except of logbook and pen please DO NOT INSERT ANY items, epecially ANY TBs OR GCs or other stuff like kinder trash, bus tickets, plastic garbage etc. etc. ATTENTION - the cache was completely robbed two times already.

2) Handle the box with care and leave it in the condition in which you'd like to find every good cache. Report any required maintenance using the "Needs maintenance" type of log.
3) This is a memorial site, please behave with respect to the thousands who lost their lives at this place. Make sure you take your rubbish with you.


Monument bitvy 3 cisaru, jednoducha kes na zajimavem miste.

Misto: V techto mistech probehla 2.12.1805 nejvetsi a nejkrvavejsi bitva napoleonskych valek na nasem uzemi, znama jako Bitva u Slavkova nebo Bitva tri cisaru. Napoleon v ni drtive porazil mnohem pocetnejsi spojeneckou armadu. Vysledkem bitvy vsak bylo na 27.000 mrtvych ci vazne ranenych vojaku – nemluve o utrapach obyvatelstva celeho regionu.
Vice informaci napriklad zde:
24.5.2003 byl v blizkosti obce Holubice odhalen pomnik obetem bitvy a v jeho tesne blizkosti se nachazi i keska.
Zajimavosti je, ze nedaleko za pomnikem se nachazi betonarka firmy ZAPPA, ktera svuj zavod upravila do podoby ohromneho dela strazeneho vojaky z doby slavne bitvy. Ti ted strazi take nas pamatnik.
(Jak jsme pozdeji zjistili, nachazela se drive v techto mistech ZAPA cache.)

Doprava: Ze silnice c. 430 zadny problem. Z dalnice D1 smer Brno staci sjet na Exit 210 Holubice a na nasledne krizovatce typu “T” zabocit doleva na Brno (a ke kesce uz je to jen kousek). Trosku veselejsi je to z druhe strany, tedy z dalnice smerem na Vyskov. Opet sjedte na Exit 210 Holubice a pote hned zabocte prvni odbockou doprava na Holubice. Prijedete na krizovatku typu “T”, na ni se vydejte doleva pod most a hned znovu doleva – tim se dostanete na silnici podjizdejici dalnici, ze ktere jste pred chvilickou sjeli. Jedte ROVNE (nenechte se vest zelenymi cedulemi “Brno”, to byste najeli zpet na dalnici!) az na krizovatku typu “T” a tam zahnete doleva. Zni to komplikovane, ale zjistite, ze je to celkem jednoduche.
Parkovat lze kratce primo u kesky; dalsi dve mozna parkovaci mista najdete ve waypointech.


Three Emperors battle monument, easy cache on an interesting place.

Location: This is the place of the largest and bloodiest battle of the Napoleonic wars on Czech land, known as the Battle of Austerlitz or Battle of the Three Emperors. In this battle, Napoleon overwhelmingly defeated much larger allies’ army. But the terrifying result of this battle was about 27.000 dead or seriously wounded soldiers – not mentioning how the population of the whole region suffered.
More information can be found for example here:
A memorial to the victims of the battle was unveiled on 24.5.2003 close to the Holubice village – and very close to it you can find the cache.
The interesting thing is that there is a ZAPPA concrete plant close to the memorial. The company arranged its plant into a form of a giant old cannon protected by soldiers from the famous battle. And they are now protecting our memorial site.

Transport: No problem when driving on the road No. 430. When coming to Brno on the D1 highway just take the Exit 210 Holubice and on the following “T-type” crossroad turn left (and you are very close to the cache). It’s little more tricky from the opposite direction, driving from Brno towards Vyskov. Again take the exit 210 Holubice and then take the first right (direction Holubice). You’ll get to the “T-type” crossroad, take the left turn under the bridge and immediately another left turn – and you are on the road going under the highway you exited a minute ago. Go STRAIGHT (do not follow the green “Brno” signs otherwise you get back on the highway!) until you get on the “T-type” crossroad. Turn left and you are close to the cache. Seems complicated but you will find it to be quite easy.
You can park your car right at the cache site; you can also find two additional parking places in the waypoints section.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

gehoxn / ghor

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)