AFL - 13 - Sydney Swans Traditional Cache
Sol de lune: Caches in this series have been maintained/repaired/replaced as required....and will now be listed on
Thanks to all who found the caches here, hope you enjoyed the walk/ride around the area....and if you have already found them, come on out and find them again on the Australian listing site....
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Now it’s the AFL……as with the NRL series, this series of caches represents the teams currently in the AFL.
Of course, over the years, teams have come, teams have gone and teams have ceased to exist. (My team at Fitzroy being one such team…..) Who will be the premiers this year? Can Sydney go back to back. Which teams will actually be here in 5 or 10 years? Will there be any more mergers or re-locations? Can Tasmania get a team in the competition? I have no idea…….so I guess we just need to watch to see what happens…….
This cache is number 13 and is for Sydney, and part of their history is:
Founded – 1874 (as South Melbourne)
Colours – Red and White
Nickname – Swans
Premierships – 3
If you follow the series in numeric sequence, the total distance is approx 7klms. Completing it this way, you will be on formed fire trails all the way, with the only time you need to venture of the trail is to find the caches themselves.
The caches are located between 5 and 30 metres off the trail. This is a loop walk/ride so there is no back tracking or deviations along any side trails. After the last cache in the series (#18) you will find yourself almost back at the second cache......and then approx 300 metres from the parking co-ords.
You can certainly take a bike, however if you do, please be aware that the track where numbers 9, 10 and 11 are located is not as well found as the other trails……so a little caution is required. There are no issues for walkers….apart from the uphill sections…….
Riding should see you completed the loop in about 2 hours, if walking, allow yourself approx 4 to be on the safe side. (You should do it in less.) If you decide to do any of the other nearby caches though, allow extra time for those.
And of course……..the A-League is coming up to their finals series….
Additional Hints