Mirante do Banhado Traditional Cache
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Mirante do Banhado / Banhado Lookout
Magnetic Nano Cache
Cache localizado no Mirante do Banhado, na Avenida Anchieta em São José dos Campos. Deste local é possivel observar toda "orla" do Banhado e a Serra da Mantiqueira, com o pôr-do-sol à esquerda (Oeste). Local bastante popular nos finais de tarde. Cache é um nano, magnético, somente com logbook. BYOP.
Parabéns ao Jaguarmufr pelo FTF! (2013-03-09)

Cache located at the Banhado Lookout, on the Anchieta Avenue in São José dos Campos. From there, one can see the entire Banhado "coastline" and the Mantiqueira Range, with the sunset on the left (West). Very popular place during late afternoons. Cache is a nano, magnetic, with just the logbook. BYOP.
Congratulations to Jaguarmufr for the FTF! (2013-03-09)
Additional Hints
Znvf sápvy cbe onvkb, byur n cbepn/ Rnfvre sebz orybj, ybbx sbe n obyg.