Wondrous Wall II Traditional Cache
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Here we have another amazing dry-stone wall! Not as amazing as the one on the south side of town in Tuggeranong, but still amazing! Built in the late 1800’s, it is dead straight - even across this steep, uneven terrain! It is exactly 250m long and varies in height up to a little over a metre! Mind you, the fence line continues in the same direction for much further!
Who build this? What was it for? It certainly would have taken substantial effort!
The direction of this wall is also mysterious. If you continue to head south along the fence line, you will hit dead on, the “Third time lucky” and “Majura Glen” geocaches! Was this fence originally across the entire mountain? Did Two Leg Drive and Bubble&Squeak plant a cache on the same fence line unknowingly? Not only that – but heading north, this wall would go straight through Gunning! I’ll bet that the residents of Gunning are not aware of that!
The cache is hidden approximately half way along the wall, but not in the wall itself! So – no need to touch the wall.
Please BYO pen.
Additional Hints
2 zrgerf jrfg bs gur jnyy, orgjrra gjb obhyqref