To complete this Challenge you need to collect 25 body parts to build your own monster! How? Collect body parts by finding caches that have a body part listed in their title.
Sounds easy, right? What's the catch? Here are the rules:
1. You must have at least 25 different body part names! You can use the same body part more than once, but you must have a different name for it. Your monster can only have one Butt, but it can also have a Bottom, Booty, Bum, Behind, Back Side, Can, Caboose, and Seat as well!
2. Animal part names are fine too. If you want your monster to have Horns, Claws, Paws, Antenna or a Tail, go right ahead!
3. Spelling counts. Although most Monsters have a Butt, I've never seen one with a But!
4. Words within words also count. Toothsome is good for Tooth, and Bumpy works for Bum.
5. Plurals do not count as separate words. Your monster may not have both Feet and a Foot. After all, once you have one foot, it's child's play for any good mad scientist to clone another!
6. Slang words for body parts count too, but you might have some explaining to do. I am the final judge on whether I think a particular word is too far-fetched to qualify, but check out my own Bookmark List to see how creative you can be!
7. Previous finds count. You may already have enough spare body parts lying around to complete your monster!
8. When you log your find you must list in your log all the body parts you used to build your monster.
8a. Do not list any of your monster's naughty bits in your online log. Instead list the total number (e.g. "4 naughty bits") when you are making a list of parts. See my monster's description below for an example.
9. You must verify you have built your monster. Preferred method is with a Bookmark of all the qualifying caches, but most any other way will work as long as I have some way to verify you have found them. Unverified monsters tend to delete their master's logs!
As of Halloween 2012 my Monster (whose name is Hubert) is made of 66 different body parts! Hubert has a Back Side, Backbone, Belly Button, Tail, Booty, Bum, Can, Cavity, Trunk, Nose, Chest, Bridge, Bean, Mind, Seat, Bottom, Skull, Life, Face, Butt, Beard, Liver, Pelvis, Skeleton, Head, Neck, Memory, Moon, Heart, Spirit, Caboose, and Back. Hubert also has Antlers, Boogers, Blood, Lips, Bones, Arms, Ears, Eggs, Corns, Feet, Arches, Hands, Heels, Knees, Eyes, Hair, Limbs, Palms, Paws, Claws, Pits, Thumbs, Wounds, Toes, Teeth, Toenails, Fingertips, and 6 naughty bits!
The D/T of 3.5/3.5 reflects the challenge of finding 25 different body parts and the travel necessary to collect them. Actual hide is about a 1.5/1.5 and is at the posted coordinates. The container is a camouflaged half-pint screw top plastic jar.
Have fun creating your monster!