Intro to Geocaching....Tantallon Event Cache
hirtle: Thanks to those who made it to the event.
Intro to Geocaching....Tantallon
Sunday, October 14, 2012
(not chosen)
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Please join us for an Introduction to Geocaching Event on Sunday, October 14th from 3:00-3:45 p.m.
Originally planned as a neighborhood unofficial "Intro to Geocaching", we were rained out. So, that presented an opportunity to host an official event. This event is for anyone. If you are an experienced geocacher, please join us and share some of your knowldege and experience with newcomers to this great hobby and/or find some of the geocaches on this great trail system. The trails are all kid friendly, and accessible on foot, bike, or even ATV. Please bring a friend, and if he/she has a handheld GPSr that would help too! Following the event, we'll hit the trails for a few caches. (Call it a "field test").
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)