Central Maine Meet & Greet Event Cache
MARTES: The meet and greet has come and gone. Time to archive so we can work on the next one.
Feel free to log your attendance if you haven't yet done so.
Central Maine Meet & Greet
Saturday, November 17, 2012
(not chosen)
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Date: Saturday evening, 11/17/2012
Time: 6:00-8:00pm
An event to welcome all our new and old geocaching friends to meet the locals, veterans, newbies, and make new phone-a-friends!
Come share cache stories, trade TB's and coins, discover each others hidden stash of collectibles, talk about challenges we are working on or would like to work on, share new geo-containers, trade path tags, plan some geocaching trips wit fellow cachers, discuss new equipment, share gps issues and/or just have a good time and a yummy dessert.
I will have a lapt top there so anyone with questions needing a computer lesson can use it.
This is your time to meet fellow cachers and put faces to the logs you see and read.
Drop in at anytime between 6:00-8:00pm, join us for as long as you'd like.
I am running out of cache space here, so I will raffle off a couple small door prizes to someone who logs a physical attendance at the event. Drawing will be at 7pm and you must be here at this time to collect your prize. It's too hard to track people down after, so be there for the drawing!
Additional Hints
Gvzzl jub?