Marina Zaton 1 Traditional Cache
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Cache was founded to celebrate the survival of our geo Adriatic cruise to treasures. Cache bola založená na oslavu prežitia našej geoplavby za pokladmi Jadranu.
Zaton is a settlement situated in the bay which bears the same name, at the utmost west end of the Šibenik´s Bay into which the river Krka outflows. It is 10 km away from Šibenik. Osada Zaton sa nachádza asi 10 km od Šibeniku, v zátoke s rovnakým menom v najzápadnejšej časti Šibenickej zátoky, do ktorej sa vlieva rieka Krka. Marina Zaton is located on the southwestern end of Zaton bay, opposite the entrance to lake Prokljan and the main maritime route to Skradin and national park Krka. The bay is very well protected from all winds and located in a very quiet area and is therefore protected from waves and boat rocking. Its greatest strengts are the natural surroundings with view and the private location. The total area of the m arina is 3673 m2, of which 3192 m2 is marine water. Marina Zaton sa nachádza na juhozápadnom konci zátoky, naproti vchodu do jazera Prokljan a hlavných námorných ciest do Skradinu a národného parku Krka. Zátoka je veľmi dobre chránená pred vetrom. Celková plocha prístavu je 3673 m2, z ktorých je 3192 m2 more.
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