A Fine Pair #34 - High Halden Multi-Cache
team Gnu: We have moved to the North West of England so are unable to maintain this cache any more and it appears to have gone missing so will archive. If anyone wants to take it over please let us know. Cheers.
A Fine Pair #34 - High Halden
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This cache is part of the ' A Fine Pair ' series, started by Wizardsmum, which are caches placed nearby where a red postbox and an old red phonebox are in close proximity with each other.
Since we did one of this series in Worthing, we keep on spotting 'fine pairs' everywhere we go. I pass this pair every week on my way to my course and when I realised that not only were this pair not cached up, there were no caches anywhere nearby, I wanted to remedy this as soon as possible.
This pair is situated near the green of High Halden, a lovely little village between Bethersden and Tenterden in Kent. Although, strictly speaking they are further apart than 20 feet, it is possible to take a picture of them both, so I got Wizardsmum's blessing to add this cache to the series.
The coordinates above are not for the actual cache. They are for the first stage of your hunt - the postbox. The rest of the clues will be found on the green across the road from the box.
The clue hunting area is a flat, well kept green with pavements all around it, so very accessible. However, you do have to cross the A28, which is a very busy road and bends right where you'll want to cross it. Be very careful, especially wheelchair users and people with kids and/or dogs!
Parking is easy enough; the pub and the village hall border on a big parking lot and there is the road behind the green too.
The coordinates to the cache are N 51 AB.CDE , E 00 FG.HJK
Walk around the green and find the following objects and the matching numbers:
The postbox
Last collection Mon - Fri : F.45 p.m.
Last collection Sat : 1J.K0 a.m.
The number of the postbox: TN2B 181
The phonebox
Number of this box: A1C33 E50 315
Carter’s tree
There is an oak planted on the green in memory of Walter Carter, who lived from
1H73 to 1975.
Small benches
The people of High Halden have planted a new tree with some lovely small benches surrounding it to commemorate a royal occasion. The following dates are on the benches 195D – 201G
Good luck and happy hunting!
PS: If you wish to expand on this series please let Wizardsmum know so she can keep a tally on the numbers.
Additional Hints
Onqtre jnez, sbk ubg.