Kako do zaklada:
Podane imate koordinate desetih točk v starem delu Trzina, šest fotografij in šest zvočnih posnetkov. Fotografije in zvočni posnetki so posneti na šestih izmed desetih podanih točk. Vaša naloga je, da povežete pravo fotografijo in pravi zvočni posnetek k pravi točki.
POZOR: Nekateri zvoki iz skoraj popolne tišine hitro postanejo ZELO glasni! Priporočava previdno poslušanje! Zvočni posnetki so bili posneti v aprilu in se lahko v različnih mesecih nekoliko razlikujejo od zvokov na dejanski lokaciji.
Zvok številka 12 mp3
Zvok številka 13 mp3
Zvok številka 17 mp3
Zvok številka 23 mp3
Zvok številka 25 mp3
Zvok številka 29 mp3
Končna točka (spoiler?) mp3

Vsaka točka (upoštevajte le tistih šest, h katerim ste povezali fotografijo in zvočni posnetek), vsaka fotografija in vsak zvočni posnetek imajo pripisano številko. Posamezno trojico zmnožite med seboj, ter dobljenih šest števil seštejte. Dobili boste petmestno število (ABCDE), ki ga vstavite v koordinate našega zaklada:
N 46° 08.0AB
E 014° 33.CDE
O izmenjavi knjig (book exchange):
Trzin v svetu knjig verjetno ni najbolj razpoznaven kraj, a je kljub temu gostil že mnoge uveljavljene pisatelje in pesnike iz Nemčije, Portugalske, Švice, Rusije, Italije, Srbije, Bosne in Hercegovine, Francije, Albanije in seveda tudi Slovenije.
Zaklad je namenjen izmenjavi knjig, zato vas vabiva, da ob svojem prihodu zamenjate svojo knjigo za drugo knjigo. Knjige v zakladu so zapakirane v dve vrečki z zadrgo. Ob menjavi, prosim, vzemite izbrano knjigo ven, vrečki pa uporabite za svojo knjigo. V zakladu je tudi nekaj rezervnih vrečk.
Še nekaj napotkov:
Vse točke (razen končne) so dosegljive z osebnim avtomobilom in omogočajo (vsaj začasno) parkirišče. Kljub temu priporočava, da avto parkirate na eni izmed njih in se po Trzinu odpravite peš.
Končna točka je dosegljiva le peš, zanjo pa priporočava dobro obutev.
Zaklad iščite/odpirajte previdno saj se po bližnjih poteh sprehaja marsikateri bunkelj.
Zaklad lahko obiščete znova le za menjavo knjig.
Although Trzin is second smallest municipality in Slovenia, it is one of the richer developed and economically important areas of our country. In the last few decades it has turned from a sleepy suburban village with about 700 inhabitants into a small town with a few thousand inhabitants and a rich business and craft. Trzin is divided into 3 parts: the old Trzin, new residential Mlake and industrial zone. This cache will take you through the streets of the old Trzin.
How to get to the cache:
There are given ten waypoints in the old Trzin, together with six photos and six sound recording. Photos and sound recording are recorded at six of the ten waypoints. Your mission is to connect the right picture and sound recording to the right waypoint.
CAUTION: Some of the sounds can quickly become very loud! We recomande to listen them carefully! Sound clips were recorded in April and may be slightly different in other months.
Sound number 12 mp3
Sound number 13 mp3
Sound number 17 mp3
Sound number 23 mp3
Sound number 25 mp3
Sound number 29 mp3
Final location (spoiler?) mp3

Each waypoint (note only six of those to which you link a photo and sound recording), every photo and every sound recording have their own number. First multiply waypoint, photo and sound recording that fit together and then add up those six numbers. You'll get a five-digit number (ABCDE). Insert the number to the following coordinates to get final location:
N 46° 08.0AB
E 014° 33.CDE
About book exchange:
Trzin probably isn't the most recognizable place in the world of books, but still has hosted many well-established writers and poets from Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, Russia, Italy, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Albania, and of course Slovenia.
The cache is intended for the exchange of books, so we envite you to replace your book for another one. Books in cache are packed in two zipper bags. When changing, please take out a selected book and reuse both bags for your book. In cache you will also find some spare bags.
Some aditional directions
All points (except the final) are accessible by car and allow (at least temporarily) parking. However we recomande you to park the car on one of them and strol through Trzin.
The final location is reachable only by foot. Good shoes are advised.
Be wery carefull around the cache because there are many mugglers on the nearby walking paths.
It's allowed to visit cache again, just to exchange the books.