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Jeleni studanka / Deer Spring Traditional Cache

Hidden : 9/28/2011
2.5 out of 5
3.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Jeleni studanka / Deer Spring

Vydatny pramen Stribrneho potoka na dulezite krizovatce turistickych cest ve vysce 1311m. n.m.

Jeleni studanka lezi na hrebenu Vysoke hole ve vysce 1311 metru, svou polohou nalezi k Moravskoslezkemu kraji. Vyvera zde pramen Stribrneho potoka, coz je jedna ze zdrojnic Podolskeho potoka, ktery se u Velke Stahle vleva do Moravice.

Zakladni informace:
U studanky je postaveny zastreseny kamenny utulek pro turisty a lyzare za nepohody pri ceste ze Skritku na Praded, ktery vybudovali clenove Horske sluzby za pomoci byvaleho Okresniho narodniho vyboru v Bruntale.
Pobliz Jeleni studanky roste mnoho druhu vzacne kveteny, mezi nimi napriklad hvozdik pysny, naholnik jednouborny, podbelice alpska, violka zluta sudetska a jine.

Roku 1774 zridil 1,5 kilometru severne od Jeleni studanky mnich velehradskeho klastera ovcinec, ktery roku 1779 vyhorel. Misto bylo nazyvano U tri studanek.
Jeleni studanka je dulezitou krizovatkou cest, lze od ni vyrazit po zelene pres Bridlicnou, Pecny, Pec a Ztracene skaly na Skritek (zelena stezka) nebo okolo Certovy steny a Spicaku do Vernirovic (zluta stezka, 7,5 km) nebo pokracovat po cervene ceste po hlavnim hrebenu pres Jeleni hrbet, Velky Maj, Kamzicnik a Vysokou holi.


Cache je dostupna pouze pesky. Pokud vozidlo zaparkujete na Skritku je vzdalenost 6km a prevyseni 450m. Kdyz zaparkujete ve Vernirovicich cast Kosare odtud po zlute turisticke trase na Jeleni studanku je vzdalenost 5,5km a prevyseni 730m.
Prosim chodte pouze po znacenych cestach a budte ohleduplni k prirode. Pouzijte fotohint.
Cache je LOCK-LOCK box. Update 26 Aug 2015 regular 1,1L. Obsahuje logbook, prupisku, tuzku, pravidla a veci na vymenu.


Plentiful springs Silver Creek at an important crossroads of hiking trails at an altitude of 1311 meters.

Deer Spring lies on the ridge at an altitude of Vysoke hole 1311 meters, its location finding to Moravskoslezky region. Springs are the source of the Silver Creek, which is one of the source for creek Podolsky, who at Velka Stahle left the Moravice.

Basic information:
Near the spring is built stone roofed shelter for hikers and skiers for discomfort in the way of Skritek to Praded, who built the members of Mountain Rescue Service with the help of former District National Committee in Bruntal.
Near Deer Spring grow many kinds of rare flora, including for example, dianthus proud,etc .

In 1774 established a 1.5 km north of Deer spring monk monastery Velehrad sheepfold, which burned down in 1779. Place was called At Three Wells.
Deer Spring is an important crossroads of paths, since it can go through the green Bridlicna, Pecny, Pec and Ztracene skaly to Skritek (green trail) or around Certova stena and Spicak to Vernirovice (yellow trail, 7.5 km) or continue along the red path on the main ridge over Jeleni hrbet, Velky Maj, Kamzicnik and Vysoka hole.


Cache is only accessible by foot. If the car park to the Skritek is 6 km distance and elevation 450m. When the park car is in Vernirovice part Kosare from here the yellow tourist trail to Jeleni studanka a distance is around 5.5 km and elevation 730 meters.
Please walk only on marked trails and Be considerate to nature. Use fotohint.
Cache is LOCK-LOCK box. Update 26 Aug 2015 regular 1,1L . Contains: logbook, pen, pencils,rules and trade.

 Rozcestnik Pramen
Rezervace Pramen 27 Oct 2011

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

PM: An mrzv,zrmv fzexl-cubgbuvag RAT: Tebhaq, orgjrra gjb fcehprf-hfr n cubgbuvag

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)