Life is an Adventure Traditional Cache
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This cache is being placed to remember my daughter-in-law's birthday. She would have been 44 years old on September 21, 2011. Her life ended sadly as she suffered with ALS and on Febuary 12, 2011 she went to be with the Lord. We all miss her and have a lot of great memories. She grew up just across the street from where this cache is placed. She and my son married 18 years ago after 9 years of dating. They celebrated the joy of having three wonderful children who miss thier Mom everyday but always remember her favorite saying..."Life is an Adventure"
The cache, a mid-sized camoed lock&lock, contains a few small tradeables and some giraffes, Carole's favorite animal and collectible. Take one - leave one and think of a great life packed full of love, laughter and fun but all too short.
Congrat to Co - FTFs Savvy18 and MCScout2010!
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