12 Monkeys Wherigo Cache
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An adventure Wherigo that explores a forgotten section of Franklin Park.
We do not recommend doing this cache at night.
Help the Army of the 12 Monkeys release the animals from the zoo and explore a forgotten section of Franklin Park.
Posted coordinates will lead you to the first spot on your adventure. Please use the suggested parking coordinates below. The journey is a bit of a loop. For the most part, your trek will be on the obvious paths. Our test runs suggest that this should take 30-45 minutes. Note that the Wherigo does not take you inside the actual zoo.
The Wherigo is an adventure cartridge that includes a fiction based around guessing the passwords. The passwords are all characters in children's literature.
What is a Wherigo Geocache?
Wherigo is a new way of utilizing GPS technology to play games, take tours, and, of course, geocache.
Before you begin, you will need three items:
1. A Wherigo-enabled device
2. The 12 Monkeys Wherigo Cartridge (see link above)
3. A pen
Wherigo enabled devices:
Garmin Colorado
Garmin Nuvi 500
Garmin Oregon
iPhone with the Wherigo app
Android with the WhereYouGo app
Pocket PC with the Wherigo Player
Playing the Game:
Once you have the Player ready to go, you will need to log in at Wherigo.com using your Geocaching.com account login to download the 12 Monkeys.gws cartridge. You will run the cartridge from the device's Wherigo Player, not from the Geocaching application.
Is logging my find any different for this cache?
Logging your Wherigo find on Geocaching.com is no different than logging any other puzzle cache.
Logging your Wherigo find on Wherigo.com offers some additional options:
1. Write Log
2. Unlock the cartridge by Uploading your Save Game
3. Unlock the cartridge by Entering the Unlock Code
After completing the Wherigo cache and logging on Geocaching.com, feel free to post a log on Wherigo.com. Unlocking the cartridge on Wherigo.com is not required, but it would be greatly appreciated. After you've completed the cartridge you will receive a completion code, which you can use on Wherigo.com to get credit for completing the cartridge. It will also help track the number of completions for this cartridge. While this is not strictly required, it would be greatly appreciated.
We would also appreciate your feedback about your experience (good or bad). Your comments about the cartridge will help us to adapt this cartridge and help us in the design of future Wherigos.
Additional Hints
[cache] na nccebcevngr fcbg sbe n uvqr nsgre guvf anhtugl nqiragher!
[Wherigo] Gur nafjre gung frrzf gb tvir crbcyr gebhoyr: Znxr Jnl sbe Qhpxyvatf.