Jerra Roundabout Traditional Cache
Ngaambul: No response from the owner within the last 28 Days and as per the original note this cache has been archived. If you wish to replace it please submit a new cache via this link.
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A nice and easy find at the entrance to sunny Jerrabomberra. PLEASE NOTE UPDATED COORDS.
For the longest time the only way in and out of Jerrabomberra was via this roundabout (if you don't count the back streets going through to west Queanbeyan). The opening of the Edwin Land Parkway through to Karabar changed that, but this roundabout is still a daily part of the lives of most Jerrabomberrans.
The roundabout is also one of the largest I've ever seen. It's so large that I once encountered a little old lady driving the wrong way around it. She was obviously convinced it was simply a long, curving road.
The roundabout is also frequently home to cars for sale, displayed to everyone who enters the suburb.
The cache is a small Sistema clip-type container. Although the find should be relatively easy the high visibility of the area to muggles - even at night - makes extraction just that little extra difficult. While you're in the area, why not avail yourself of my other Jerra caches?
I haven't marked this one as child-friendly because of the need to cross a two-lane road, no matter which direction you're coming from; please take care, because even though it's a 50 zone, very few drivers adhere to the speed limit. Parking is probably best at the Jerra shops, visible from the roundabout.
Please make sure the cache is returned to its hidey-hole and properly covered.
Additional Hints
Nfpraq zl sryybj pnpuref!