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Udolim Ztraceneho potoka Letterbox Hybrid

Hidden : 3/20/2011
3 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Jde o stredne tezkou letterbox kes, takze cil na uvedenych souradnicich nenajdete. Pripravte se na necele 2 km dlouhou cestu. K odloveni kese budete potrebovat GPS navigaci jen zcasti, pote uz postaci jen nize uvedene instrukce. Mohl by vam take pomoct kompas.Verzi pro tisk si muzete stahnout v kratsi nebo delsi variante s obrazky (heslo je zir37).

EN: The Lost stream valley is a mid-difficult Letterbox cache. Prepare yourself for more than 1 mile long trip. You will partly need your GPS navigation, but then just undermentioned instructions. Compass can help you.


V logbooku kese najdete kontrolni cislo urcene pro pripad, ze by pri logovani nebylo po ruce nic na psani.

V kesi je specialni razitko, ktere z ni rozhodne neodnasejte! Muzete si ho otisknout do notysku, od toho tu take je, po pouziti jej ale prosim vratte zpet do papirove krabicky. Souradnice vas zavedou na misto, odkud jiz dale pujdete jen podle instrukci popsanych v pribehu nize. Kes vam neukaze az tak uzasne misto, avsak proveri vasi vsimavost a predstavivost. Pocitejte s ruznorodosti terenu v zavislosti na pocasi a rocnim obdobi. Jednou se budete prodirat vysokou travou a koprivami, jindy bude pole pekne posecene a v zime budete treba zapadavat do snehu ci do blata. Nekdy budete muset preskakovat z jednoho brehu na druhy a stejne bude v botach mokro, jindy uklouznete na ledu, ale casto zase pujdete korytem zcela vyschlym. Dost bylo ale reci, nyni vyslyste davny pribeh muze, ktery kdysi v udoli Ztraceneho potoka ukryl poklad ...

EN: There is a stamp in the cache. Do not take it out. After usage, put the stamp into a paper box. The coordinates will bring you to some place and then you will go just according to undermentioned instructions. The cache will bring you to no as much interesting place, but it will check out your ability of observation and imagination. It is possible, that you get dirty. Now, listen to a man, who has hidden the treasure in the Lost stream valley ...

Kralovi vojaci mne pronasledovali jiz tretim dnem. Nemel jsem na vyber, poklad jsem musel nekde zakopat. Otec meho deda mi kdysi vypravel o udoli, kudy potok tece jen nekdy. Rikal mu tehdy Ztraceny potok. Ted jsem byl pobliz a toto misto zdalo se byt pro ukryti pokladu vice nez vhodne. Kone jsem nechal u hostince v Polomi (na uvodnich souradnicich). Pote jsem dosel k mistu zaznacenemu na mape (N 49°38.017 E 16°57.003), odkud uz jsem dal musel jit jen po pameti. Ma cesta vedla proti proudu potoka po okraji pole.

Prede mnou se mezi ostatnimi vyjimal ohnivy strom. Od sveho pradeda jsem vedel, ze kolem nej se nachazi baziny, a proto jsem jej obesel. Kousek za nim spatril jsem maly domecek. Nikdo zde vsak nebyl, a tak jsem pokracoval dale proti proudu. Kdyz jsem dorazil k mistu, kde potok vytekal z lesa, prosekal jsem se vysokou travou a prebrodil jeho reciste. Zde jsem se uz nemusel bat, ze mne nekdo spatri.

Ma cesta vedla dal zatim dosti sirokym udolim. V techto mistech bylo zrovna koryto potoka suche, takze jsem postupoval stridave po obou jeho brezich. Prolezl jsem pod spadlym stromem a pokracoval dale po travou porostle zemi mezi mohutnymi buky.

Pote jsem musel nejak prekonat skupinu dalsich stromu, zricenych napric pres cele udoli. Prosel jsem pod nimi po leve strane, tedy po pravem brehu. A tu jsem narazil na pesinku ve svahu. Klikatila se a zavedla mne az k vodopadu. Zde byl potok mnohem divocejsi. Nad jeho perejemi jsem se usadil a odpocinul si. Jakmile jsem nacerpal sily, pokracoval jsem cilevedome dal. Cesticka byla stale znatelna a vedla me ke staremu drevenemu mostu, pres ktery jsem vodni tok prekonal a strme vystoupal vyse na druhy breh.

Vtom jsem spatril strazni vez nad udolim. Vedel jsem o ni z vypraveni, ale necekal ji tak brzy. Musel jsem ted byt opatrny, aby me hlidka nesptrila. Postupoval jsem velmi nenapadne a tise. Cesticka byla stale uzsi a uzsi a zarezavala se do prudkeho svahu. Po chvilce zacala pozvolna klesat az k samotnemu potoku. Tam jsem ji ztratil, ale strazni vez uz byla nastesti za mnou. Ze jdu dobre jsem poznal podle patniku, ktery neomylne cnel uprostred vyschleho koryta. Udoli se opet rozsirilo a ja spatril travnate podlozi. Vybral jsem si zase pravy breh potoka a prorazel si cestu skrz bujne kere smerem k memu cili. Prosel jsem kolem dvou padlych zkrizenych stromu.

Nahle se ale udoli vetvilo a ja nevedel, kudy se mam vydat. Zasoby potravin se kratily a vodu jsem nemohl doplnit, jelikoz potok zde tekl pod urovni zeme. Neco mi rikalo, ze se mam vydat vpravo smerem spise na sever. Sel jsem tedy tudy. Svahy byly porostle malinikem a cesta se znatelne zhorsila. Udoli se klikatilo. Dobrou zpravou naopak bylo, ze jsem nasel vodu a mohl si tak doplnit svuj mech. Postupoval jsem dale az k mistu, kde se barevne site domorodcu priblizily potoku. Chtel jsem jit dal, ale bujna vegetace mi to uz nedovolila. Nedalo se nic delat, musel jsem se vratit zpatky k rozdvojeni. Pospisil jsem si, protoze za sebou jsem uz slysel krik domorodych lidi. Kdyz jsem dorazil zpet do mista, kde se udoli delilo, vydal jsem se tou druhou cestou. Byla to ta blize jihu. Ani ta ale nebyla jednoducha. Prosel jsem kolem vyvraceneho stromu s mohutnymi koreny. Opet jsem spatril patniky a ted uz mi doslo, ze toto je ten spravny smer. Udoli se zuzovalo a prohlubovalo.

Vysoko nad nim cnely hole skaly. Vedel jsem, ze uz nejsem daleko od vhodneho cile, a tak jsem se rozhlizel, kam poklad ulozit. Kdyz se nade mnou po me pravici zjevil mohutny utes, zrel jsem na druhe strane vysoko ve svahu strom. Pohledl jsem za sebe a spatril schody, po kterych bylo mozne k onomu stromu vysplhat. V dutine pod nim jsem poklad ukryl. Jeho kmen oznacil jsem posleze krizem. Po narocnem sestupu ze svahu jsem pokracoval dale proti proudu, abych se nemusel udolim vracet zpet. S vypetim poslednich sil jsem prekonal vysoky stupen a vysplhal vpravo nad udoli. Ocitl jsem se primo za domorodeckou vesnici. Rychle jsem tedy postupoval dal na jihozapad.

Nalevo jsem spatril polorozpadlou chatrc, pred sebou vpravo opustene opevnene hradiste. Co kdyz v nem ale nekdo stale pobyva? Tise jsem se tedy proplizil jen kolem jeho rohu a odbocil po ceste vlevo. Kdyz jsem se ohledl, zrel jsem v dali obec Lukou. Slehaly z ni plameny a k nebi stoupal husty dym. Nevahal jsem ani vterinu a po siroke polni ceste pospichal smerem jihovychodnim k hostinci, kde jsem zanechal sveho ore. Oteviraly se mi krasne vyhledy na okoli. Rozpoznal jsem Kosir a v dalce za kopci napravo od chramu na Svatem Kopecku se rysovaly obrysy kralovskeho mesta Olomouce. Vtom jsem za sebou uslysel dusot kopyt. Ohledl jsem se a spatril nekolik jezdcu, blizicich se ke mne od strazni veze nahore na strani. Ted uz nebylo uniku. Zadival jsem se do malebne krajiny a s klidnym svedomim si v mysli vybavil tajnou skrys, kam jsem stihl poklad ukryt.

EN: King's soldiers have been chasing me for three days. I had no choice, I had to bury my treasure somewhere. The father of my grandfather had told me about the valley, where a stream flows only sometimes. He had known it as the Lost Creek. Now I was nearby and this place seemed to be a good hiding place. I left my horse near the pub in Polomi (on the starting coordinates). According to next coordinates (N 49°38.017 E 16°57.003) I came to the place, from where went against the stream along the field border. In front of me, there was the fire tree. My forefather had told me, that here was a swamp, so I went around him. Not far behind the tree I saw a small cottage. Fortunately, nobody was in, so I could continue up the stream. When I arrived to the place where the stream flowed out from the forest, I cut tall grass and waded the watercourse. Here, I didn't have to worry, that someone can observe me. My journey led me up the wide valley. Here, the watercourse was dry, so I could proceed along both banks. I passed the fallen tree and continued across the grass-covered land between large beeches. After that, I had to break through a group of other trees, which were collapsed across the valley. I passed them by the left side, so by the right bank. And Ithen I saw the path on a slope winding up the hill and bringing me to a waterfall. The stream was there much wilder. Above the rapids, I sat down and relaxed. When I tapped the energy, I continued purposefully. The path was still recognizable and it led me to an old wooden bridge, over the bridge and steeply up a slope. From here, I saw some watchtower above the valley. I knew about it, but did not expect it so soon. Now, I had to be careful. I proceeded very carefully and quietly. The path was narrower and narrower and it was incised into a steep slope high above the stream. After a while, the path began to slide as low as the watercourse. There I lost it, but the watchtower was fortunatelybehind me. I knew, that I go well, because of the bollard, which jutted from the desiccated riverbed. The valley get wider and I saw grassy ground again. I choosed the right bank and I made my way through the lush bushes. I walked around two crossed fallen trees. But suddenly, the valley forked and I didn't know, which way I should go. I was runnig out of the food reserve and I couldn't refill the water, because the stream flowed under the ground level in this place. Something was telling me, that I should go right to the north. So I went this way. The slopes were covered with rasberries and the road was much worse. The valley was twisty. But on the other side, the good news was that I found the water, so I could make my up waterbag. I proceeded to the point, where the aborigines' coloured net got close by the stream. I wanted to go on, but the lush vegetation didn't allowed me to continue. I saw, that my dicision to go this way was wrong, so I had to go back to the fork. I got moving, because I heard the aborigines crying. When I arrived to the place, where the valley divided and where I had made the wrong dicision, I turned right and I carried on along the other one, which was heading more to the south. This wasn't an easy way as well, but there were the bollards and now I knew, that this way is the right one. I passed the uprooted tree with massive roots. The valley narrowed and deepened. Over me, there were some rocky cliffs. I knew, that I'm not far from my target, so I was looking for some treasure cover. When there was a huge rock on the right, I saw on the other side a tree on the top of the slope. In the cavity in its roots I has hidden the treasure. I marked its trunk with a cross. After a difficult descent down the slope I continued upstream, cause I didn't want to go through the valley back. I overcame my exhaustion, went up a high step and climbed up over the valley on the place by my right hand. I found myself behind the aborigines village. I quickly moved southwest. On the left side I saw a ruined cottage, in front of me on the right there was another better maintained staying on the forest border.From here I saw the village of Luka, which was burning. There was a heavy smoke above it. I rushed to a nearby wide dirt road and ran along it towards the inn, where I had left my horse. There were beautiful views. I saw Kosir mountin and in the distance behind the hills contours of the royal city of Olomouc took shape. All of sudden, I've could hear the clatter of hooves. I looked back and saw several knights approaching me from the next guard tower up the hillside. Now I wasn't able to escape. Honestly, I looked into the countryside and looked back on the impregnable cover, where I had hidden my treasure.

Nase dalsi kese v okoli:

Pramen Pilavky (GC28PHN) je navazujici kes, ktera vas zavede na tajne misto dale do lesa.
Vysilace nad Lukou (GC2HJ3T) se tyci nahore na hrebeni kousek severovychodnim smerem.

Kese s podobnou tematikou:

Na propadle svatbe (GC2E352) od anezaka lezi v Dubicku 22,2 km severni - podobne udoli
Alcabazca (GC19QYQ) od Keddieho lezi na Hrube Vode 34,2 km vychodne - jeste lepsi pribeh

Kontrola vyslednych souradnic:

Obtiznost je trochu nadhodnocena, takze s zadnym fotohintem nepocitejte.

Prejeme uspesny a mudly neruseny odlov!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Fgebz bmanpral xevmrz i qhgvar cbq frobh cbxynq hxelin.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)