Kennedy Point - Happy Birthday #2 Traditional Cache
BoJaB: I am archiving this listing, if you get this one fixed soon, send me an email. I will unarchive it for you provided that it still meets the guidelines.
Kennedy Point - Happy Birthday #2
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Congrats to Koleniko for the FTF!!
This cache is hidden at Kennedy Point Park. It is the second cache in a series that I will be hiding in the coming months. This park has occasionally high muggle activity, especially during launch windows.
This 5.38-acre community river park features a paved shoreline walkway with benches for wildlife, shuttle viewing and fishing; a boat ramp with central dock; pavilion, 2 grills, restrooms, and parking.
WATCHABLE WILDLIFE: Dolphin; Listed in State of Florida Great Florida Birding Trail—Wintering Duck, Loon and Grebe; Laughing, Ring-billed and Herring Gulls, Ruddy Turnstones (best winter/fall)
The cache is a small camouflaged lock&lock container, that is hidden among the rocks. It contains a few random trade items and a few coins as well. Please ensure that the container is fully closed, due to the camouflage it is a little difficult to snap shut.
Additional Hints
Vg vf ba gur jrfg fvqr bs gur frn jnyy. Pnzbhsyntrq gb erfrzoyr n ebpx.