Special Notes about the 2010 Puzzle Challenge: To be considered for Fastest Solver points, you must verify your solution with certitude. Because certitude may not properly account for joint solutions, please email me team member names in the case of team solutions to ensure proper point accounting. All "point" scoring is arbitrary anyway, subject to change, at the discretion of the cache owner, and probably completely meaningless (unless you just want your name announced more prominently at the December banquet). The real challenge is just to see whether you can solve all of these caches by the end of the year. To maintain fairness, hints should not be offered by the cache owner or other solvers until the fifteenth of the month.
Special Notes about this month's puzzle: WTF? Why is this cache so far away? Well, Moe311 was the first to solve last month's challenge; so I decided I would go to the Walnut Creek area to hide a cache. Sorry, that's as far north as I wanted to go. Nowadays, it seems like there are a lot of puzzles where I just don't know WTF I need to do in order to solve them. This might be another one of that type of puzzle. Cache is a small jar. At least the style of hide should be straightforward. There are TB tags for the FTF (courtesy of cachbefound's Word List). Sept. 4th: Dropped the difficulty rating from 3.5 to 3, as it seems that pretty much everybody who looks at this is able to solve it (though some may have trouble figuring out how to get to it). Thanks to Adium for unwittingly providing me the puzzle idea.
2010 Puzzle Challenge Solvers
2010 Puzzle Challenge Finders
First Ten Correct Solutions |
candcfamily |
01 Sep 12:07am |
jimbexleyspeed |
01 Sep 12:07am |
fizzymagic |
01 Sep 12:14am |
The North Star |
01 Sep 12:18am |
payakoi |
01 Sep 12:18am |
mokelly |
01 Sep 12:20am |
Chrysalides |
01 Sep 12:22am |
Gitonyerhorse |
01 Sep 12:52am |
Dotish |
01 Sep 3:38am |
Moe311 |
01 Sep 6:20am |
See all solvers |
First Ten Visits |
candcfamily |
01 Sep |
The North Star |
01 Sep |
fizzymagic, Alamogul, and jellis |
01 Sep |
Gitonyerhorse |
01 Sep |
Moe311 |
01 Sep |
Dotish |
03 Sep |
payakoi |
05 Sep |
Geo Fan and Mrs. Geo Fan |
06 Sep |
Chrysalides |
10 Sep |
jimbexleyspeed |
11 Sep |
You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.