Mmmm... Beer: Multi Multi-Cache
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An easy 2-Stage Multi in a older shopping area in "uptown" Mint Hill! Stage 1 is in the end of a yellow tube. Please be careful not to lose contents when you open the cache.
Please secure/re-hide and hide all cache stages just as you found them.
Mmmm… Beer: Multi is one of a three-part series of beer-themed caches. Find the other two caches in the series ( "Mmmm... Beer: Unknown" and "Mmmm... Beer: Traditonal" ) and you may be qualified to be immortalized on the Brewmaster Hall of Fame! To qualify, you must:
1) Find all three Mmmm… Beer caches
2) Your “found it” logs cannot simply be a 4-letter acronym (like "TFTC")
3) Your “found it” logs cannot be a software default logging message (like "Sent from my mobile device")
4) Your "found it" logs cannot be an obvious copy/paste generic log (like "I found this with CacherX on a 100-cache run. Thanks to all that placed them.")
5) You must note in your final “found it” log that you are now a Brewmaster!
Please Note: ANY style "found it" log is welcome for these caches. If you choose to use the acronym, default, or copy/paste logs, that is fine! Just realize you will not be eligible for Hall of Fame induction. You may edit your non-qualifying logs any time after the initial submission if you wish to make a Hall of Fame run.
Soon after qualifying as a Brewmaster, your name will be on the Hall of Fame in the Mmmm… Beer: Unknown cache description.
Have fun. Please drink responsibly!
Congrats to FTF-er, TermiteHunter!
Additional Hints
Fgntr 1: V gbyq lbh jurer vg vf ybpngrq va gur qrfpevcgvba.
Fgntr 2: Haqre yrsg fvqr jura ybbxvat sebz gur cnexvat ybg.
Fgntr 1 Fbyhgvba: Jnvg n zvahgr... gung'f abg orre!