Tunnelin' Traditional Cache
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This cache is a tricky find. It is located 6 feet under ground in a storm tunnel, but you do not have to open manholes to get to it. Once you're in the right place, it's pretty easy to find. Bring a flashlight, and try to be inconspicuous.
A word of advice from Gurnee Glenn:
The best point you brought up is never do this cache alone and one should stay outside, just in case the person inside falls unconscious, to summon help. And yes do not enter to try to help stay outside to wait for help. There has been many cases where one person has fallen unconscious and a fellow worker went in to help and fell unconscious as well. Sadly, by the time someone realized what was going on and got help the people in the the confined space had passed away.
Be safe and don't do this alone!
Additional Hints
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