Dr. I.M. Wise Mystery Cache
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Dr. Isaac Mayer Wise had a home in North College Hill at this location. He was the creator of Reform Judaism in America, Founder of Hebrew Union College and a Rabbi at the Plum Street Temple which is now named in his honor.
I had a regular container cache here for a while but it didn't last very long. I decided instead to make this a simple mystery puzzle cache so people will stop and read about Isaac Mayer Wise and his historical contribution and local significance.
Go to the posted coordinates and read the historical plaque here to answer the questions to get the nearby cache coordinates.
A = Number of letters in Alice's middle name + 1
B = How many acres was this farm? + 13
C = Last two digits of the year the house was torn down - 1
D = Number of combined letters in Molony's first and middle name
The final coordinates of the physical cache are:
N 39 degrees, 12.AB minutes
W 84 degrees, 32.CD minutes
Bring a pen.
You can check your answers for this puzzle on Geochecker.com.
Additional Hints
V Z fher Qe Jvfr "yvg" hc fbzr crbcyrf yvirf.