Info about Gauja valley
Gauja Valley among other natural areas are characterized by the
geological conditions and habitat instability. It is determined by
the steep terrain articulated by the great relative height
differences and the peculiarities of geological structure.
Important is surface activity in terms of the asset side and the
depth of erosion. Accompanied by a continuous movement of the Gauja
bed, bank and flushing slip down, locations also increased gully
formation. Short, but very interesting is Gauja valley part in
Sigulda area. In this part valley had gnaw throw dolomite instep
and in the right side you can see a Turaida support.Sigulda
surrounding valley slopes are narrow and steep, indented with short
side gullies, covered with a thick wood deck, which occur in
various broad-leaved tree species. At the foot of slopes in several
places are sandstone cliffs with caves: Gutman Cave and Devils
Cave, Valley of crows Vejupites Cave and Petera Cave. Sandstone
caves encountered groundwater and rivers, as well as human
activities. Valley in this area is clearly demarcated - behind the
top edge of the slope begins immediately surrounding the raised
corrugated cultivated plains. The riverbed is twisted it consists
of loose sand and gravel deposits large quantity of them are moving
up the stream. Therefore Gauja depth is uneven over time and
rapidly changing. River is a lot of whirpool, especially between
Cesis and Sigulda. Throughout the Gauja valley is very good visible
above the flood three terraces. A few meters above the floodplain
overlooking the first terrace. After the nature of the sediment
close to the floodplains. The second terrace above the flood valley
at the top of slopes is greater than 40 m, the lower end - about 15
m above sea level. Around 4 - 5 m above this one is running the
third terrace above the flood. Both of these terraces consist of
dusty or fine sand from coarse sand and gravel deposits.
Info about Gauja river
The Gauja is one of the longest rivers in Latvia, with a catchment
area of 8,900 square kilometers. Its source is in the hills
southeast of Cesis. It first flows east and north and forms the
border with Estonia for about 20 kilometers (12 mi). South of Valga
and Valka, it turns west towards Valmiera, continuing southwest
near Cesis and Sigulda. The Gauja flows into the Baltic Sea
northeast of Riga. Cesis district and Riga district part of river
Gauja contains numerous natural and cultural landmarks and was
declared a national park (Gauja National Park) in 1973.
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1. How deep is Gauja valley near Sigulda?
2. How long is the Gauja River?
3. What type of sediments dominance in river Gauja flood
4. How much stanchion from mushrooms petiole hold mushrooms roof
in a place? (mushroom is located in coordinates)
Uzdevums Latviski
Atsutiet atbildes uz jautajumiem uz punkta ipasnieka epastu un
tikai tad, kad busiet sanemusi apstiprinajumu par atbilzu pareizibu
varesiet pielogot punktu. Ja ir iespejams ludzu uznemiet bildi,
kura jus turat GPS roka un aiz muguras jums redzama Gaujas senleja
un pievienojat to savam logam.
1. Cik dzila ir Gaujas senleja pie Siguldas?
2. Cik gara ir Gaujas upe?
3. Kadi nogulumi ir parsvara sastopami Gaujas paliene?
4. Saskaitiest, cik daudz mazas sijas (mazas brusites) pie senes
kajas ir piestiprinatas un tur senes cepuriti? (sene atrodas