**The cache is not at the posted coordinates**
**DO NOT go there unless you like to play in traffic**
**High Traffic Areas - Use Extreme
In honor of the 10th Anniversary of Dave Ulmer's first "stash",
hidden on May 3, 2000, I present to you my 50th hide. This one is a
twist on the
Where Is It?? Series started by
TheMachine , and kept alive by
Greenback. The primary difference? No creepy clowns, and no
evergreens. Oh yeah, and you'll probably have terrible GPS
reception at this one!
For some, this will be easier, for others, not so much. The
final cache itself is a magnetic bison capsule, as is the "beacon"
cache, and both are hidden like I like to hide 'em in the City.
1. Find the object in the picture below (see pic below). That is
your starting point, not the intersection of State and Madison.
2. The "beacon" (bison capsule #1) only contains the coordinates
to the final, is located about 1 block away from the object (see
pic below), and finding it will put you in front of a beautiful
Chicago Landmark.
3. Enter coordinates for the final into your GPSr, replace the
"beacon" bison capsule where you found it, and head off for your
search for the final (hidden just like the beacon).
4. Good luck, and Have Fun!

== CONGRATS TO ShazamMan, BAT, and Tzinny ON THE TEAM-FTF!!!!