FTVS UK Traditional Cache
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Základní informace o FTVS UK a její historii
Fakulta telesné výchovy a sportu je jednou z nejmladších fakult Univerzity Karlovy v
Praze. Stala se její soucástí v roce 1959 zprvu jako Institut telesné výchovy a sportu,
od roku 1965 jako fakulta Univerzity Karlovy.
Fakulta telesné výchovy a sportu je v Ceské republice jediným vysokoškolským
pracovištem, které v soucasné dobe zajištuje tyto studijní programy: studium ucitelské
(v kombinaci s druhým predmetem), obor management sportu, jednooborové studium
telesné výchovy (i pro potreby armády CR) a od roku 1982 obor
rehabilitace(fyzioterapie). FTVS UK organizuje všechny formy studia - rádné (prezencní
a kombinované), doktorské, rozširující i trenérské kurzy pro potreby sportovních svazu.
Je small, umístená na pomerne frekventovaném míste, proto prosím o dobrý ohled místa pred odlovením.

Welcome to Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport is one of the seventeen faculties based on the venerable Charles University.
Czech higher physical education dates back to the period before World War I. At the
beginning, there were various educational courses at the Faculty of Medicine. Efforts of
progressive scientists and pedagogues such as prof. Smotlacha, Borovanský, Jirásek and
Weigner led to the Bill of establishing “Tyrš’s State Institute of Physical Education” in
1930. This idea was implemented after the War by forming “Institute for Education of
Physical Education at CharlesUniversity”. In 1948 the Institute was incorporated in the
Faculty of Education, out of which, independent Higher School of Education was formed
in 1953. A new higher school – “Institute of Physical Education and Sport” was founded
in 1953 together with “Research Institute of Physical Education”. Both institutions
provided education for pedagogical, scientific and managing workers who wanted to
pursue their career in the area of physical education and sport science. Within
reorganization of higher schools, which took place in 1958, three departments of Higher
School of Education were joined to the Institute of Physical Education and Sport. The
new formation was joined to Charles University as one of its faculties.
About cache
It is micro size, and it is placed in very busy place, so please look around you before you get it.
Additional Hints
uyrqrw cbq fpubql-zntarg/ybbx haqre gur fgnvef-zntargvp