The Tragedy of King Lear Traditional Cache
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You are looking for a camoed lock n lock contatiner about 6 inches in diameter. You'll make a short hike along a trail to the cache. Higher water will elevate the terrain rating. PLEASE BE CAREFUL NEAR THE WATER! Some cachers are walking over the ice.... this will get dangerous as the ice melts. Please take the longer, safer way, over the firm ground.
Sadly, this was not Shakespearean fiction, but a real tragic event that occurred on Tuesday January 5, 2010. A Lear Jet, headed for Chicago Executive Airport, crashed into the Des Plaines river just a mile south of the airport. Pilot Stephen Ellis and Co-Pilot Ryan Daenzer were both killed instantly. The plane left from Michigan, had been cleared for landing and was on its final approach to the airport.
The cache is on the east bank of the river, exactly where the plane went down. The tree holding the cache was partly damaged by the plane wreck. Over time, this damage will no longer be evident.
Additional Hints
Gur pnpur vf nobhg 5 srrg uvtu unatvat sebz n oenapu bs n ynetr gerr. Gur gerr jvgu gur pnpur vf whfg rnfg bs gur onfr bs n snyyra ubevmbagny gerr ylvat va gur jngre jurer gur cynar unq ynaqrq.