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CAS Mystery Cache

Hidden : 10/7/2009
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... vecny, vsudypritomny a spravedlivy .....

Touto kesi bychom vam chteli pripomenout zakladni fakta tykajici se vzniku a historie mereni casu. Na  jeho presnem mereni je napr. zalozeno i fungovani systemu GPS, ktery vsichni "dobre" zname.

Drive nez si vyzvednete krabicku v pekne prirode Vysociny, navstivite i jedno technicky zajimave misto.

POZOR!: Nez vyrazite, vezmete si s sebou vytisteny text UKOLU 2. Budete ho potrebovat na STAGE 1

CTETE!!!: Prijit a videt je dulezitou casti teto kese, proto NELOVTE POTME.

Jeste poznamka ... potesilo by nas, kdybyste tentokrat uplne vynechali internet. Urcite vas  nebavi jen alibisticke zadavani dotazu do vyhledavace.
Listing a vase hlava budou urcite stacit!!

Jak to cele zacalo

Cas je tu od samotneho pocatku vzniku vesmiru. Zpocatku vsak nic a nikdo nemel potrebu ho nejak definovat ci merit. Biologicke hodiny prvnich zivych organizmu fungovaly dostatecne presne. Byli to az samotni lide, kteri citili, ze existence definovanych casovych intervalu by dala jejich zivotu urcity rad.

Uz z biologickeho hlediska bylo pochopitelne, ze mereni casu bude odvozeno od prirodnich periodickych udalosti, jakymi byl napr. ROCNI pohyb planet ve vesmiru, ci napriklad DENNI vychod, zapad nebo kulminace SLUNCE a HVEZD. Neni tedy divu, ze zakladni casovou jednotkou se stal JEDEN DEN, jakozto predstavitel nejmensiho zivotniho cyklu cloveka.

Nejjednodussi bylo odmerovat periodu JEDNOHO DNE podle SLUNCE a zavest tak tzv. SLUNECNI,  presne receno, PRAVY SLUNECNI CAS  . Den se vsak da merit i pomoci HVEZD a mit tak tzv. HVEZDNY CAS . Prozkoumanim obou techto metod mereni casu se zjistilo, ze „slunecni den“ netrva stejne dlouho jako „hvezdny den“ - tedy DEN, tak jak jej urcuji dve po sobe jdouci kulminace Slunce, neni stejne dlouhy jako DEN mereny kulminacemi zvolene hvezdy. Proc? To pochopite z obrazku 1. 

Obrazek 1. Vysvetleni rozdilu SLUNECNIHO a HVEZDNEHO casu

Z obrazku 1 je zrejme, ze DEN PRAVEHO SLUNECNIHO CASU tzv  SLUNECNI DEN  je o trosku delsi nez DEN HVEZDNEHO CASU - tedy HVEZDNY DEN.  Je to proto,  ze behem jednoho otoceni se kolem vlastni osy se ZEME jeste navic posune vuci Slunci o usek odpovidajici priblizne 1/365 rocni drahy Zeme kolem Slunce (takovy zdibec cca 2,5 mil km). Pozorovatel na Zemi tudiz potrebuje navic priblizne  4 minuty na to, aby se s nim Zeme DOTOCILA do stejneho smeru v jakem vuci Slunci byla v predchozi den.  Vuci hvezdam, ktere jsou nesrovnatelne dal nez Slunce, je denni posun Zeme ve vesmiru naprosto titerny a zanedbatelny, tudiz nema vyznam mluvit o nutnosti nejakeho podobneho „dotaceni se“ jako v pripade Slunce.

Pozn: HVEZDNY DEN je tedy o 4min kratsi a trva proto cca 23hod. 56min. To znamena, ze za rok naroste rozdil mezi SLUNECNIM a HVEZDNYM casem o celych 365 x cca 4 = cca 1460 minut, tedy zhruba o 1 CELY DEN! . HVEZDNY a SLUNECNI cas se sejdou vzdycky 1x do roka.

To, ze oba casy nejsou shodne, ale nijak nevadilo. Slo o to stanovit PERIODU, ktere by se rikalo DEN. Dale bylo zrejme, ze mereni casu musi byt svazano se SLUNCEM – uz jen proto, ze by asi nebylo dobre mit poledne nekdy rano, nekdy v noci – napriklad... 
Pravy Slunecni cas se tedy stal prostredkem  vyjadreni delky denniho intervalu
. Byl rozdelen na 12 a pozdeji na 24 stejnych useku, kterym se rikalo HODINY. Lide tak ziskali cas, ktery odpovidal zivotnimu rytmu a cyklum stridani dne a noci.

Bohuzel, jak se potom ukazalo, ziskali cas, ktery neplyne uplne rovnomerne. Jinymi slovy ... neni den jeko den :o))

Duvody nerovnomernosti jsou hned dva.  
1. Zeme neobiha Slunce po kruznici, nybrz po elipse – tedy nestejne rychle
2. Osa otaceni Zeme neni kolma na rovinu obehu Zeme kolem Slunce.

To oboji ma za nasledek to, ze to nase kazdodenni „DOTACENI“ Zeme netrva kazdy den uplne stejne dlouho, a take to, ze kulminace Slunce nenastava pokazde ve stejny okamzik

A abychom nevynechali vubec nic, musime jeste podotknout, ze se k tomu vsemu jeste musi uvazovat nerovnomernost rychlosti rotace Zeme vlivem slapovych jevu, pohyb zemske osy a dalsi nerovnomernosti, ktere se daji zjistit jen detailnim astronomickym pozorovanim. Jsou to sice jen zlomky sekund rocne, ale musi se s nimi pocitat.

Jak moc se lisi PRAVY a STREDNI slunecni cas behem celeho roku se muzete podivat u teto kese: GC1JQ0Y V casti, kde se mluvi o casove rovnici.

Rozdil - ve svych maximalnich hodnotach - dosahuje nekdy az 15 minut. Plus nebo minus. Nekdy se tedy pravy cas opozduje, nekdy predbiha. To se ale vsechno da prezit. Vcelku je prece jedno, jestli Slunce kulminuje (je nejvyse nad obzorem) presne ve 12:00 nebo v 11:50 anebo az ve 12:15. Co myslite?

Ale z hlediska MERENI casu, takto nepravidelny cas lide nechteli. Na druhou stranu – odmerovani casu (byt i pravidelneho) nemuze prece jenom jit proti prirode (ZEMI, SLUNCI). Je nutne respektovat vsechny vyse uvedene nerovnomernosti!!

Resenim bylo zavedeni „rocniho prumerneho Slunecniho casu“ – tzv.  STREDNIHO  SLUNECNIHO  CASU , ktery se potom po korekcich jako tzv. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) zacal pouzivat na celem svete.   Je to  cas fiktivniho (vypocitaneho) Slunce, ktere by obihalo Zemi v rovine rovniku konstatni rychlosti a protinalo v jarnim bode drahu druheho fiktivniho Slunce obihajici konstantni rychlosti po ekliptice, jehoz poloha je shodna se Skutecnym Sluncem v dobe Letniho a Zimniho slunovratu. Nebojte, otazka na toto tema v testu neni ...

Hvezdy ale nezustaly  zapomenuty! GMT se totiz meri, sleduje a koriguje podle takzvaneho Universal Time (UT), ktery je urcovan na zaklade kulminace HVEZD a dalsich astonomickych pozorovani. Proto se take GMT nekdy oznacuje zkratkou UTC,  coz je korigovana varianta casu UT – viz nasledujici prehled casu.

UT 0 ... cas odvozeny z astronomickych pozorovani s pocatkem na NULTEM poledniku

UT 1 ... cas stejny jako UT 0 ale opraveny o chyby zpusobene pohybem zemske osy

UT 2 ... UT 1 opraveny o chyby zpusobene zmenami v rychlosti rotace Zeme – malo pouzivany

No a nakonec tu mame ten hlavni nas znamy a vecny:
(neboli GMT)... UNIVERSAL TIME COORDINATED - dnes pouzivany rovnomerne plynouci cas ve skocich opravovany tak, aby se NIKDY nelisil od UT1 o vice nez 0.7s

Jak/cim se pravidelny cas odmeroval

Nejstarsim zpusobem urcovani casu byly SLUNECNI hodiny.  Cas odmerovaly podle polohy stinu predmetu osvetleneho Sluncem. Hrot predmetu vrhajiciho stin musel smerovat k ZEMEPISNEMU SEVERU (tedy ne k magnetickemu severu) a jeho sklon musel odpovidat geograficke sirce mista Slunecnich hodin. Nepresnost mereni ovsem byla velika a pramenila zejmena ze samotne podstaty Slunecnich hodin. Slunecni hodiny ukazuji cas podle polohy SKUTECNEHO SLUNCE. Jak moc se takovy cas lisi od naseho GMT casu uz asi dokazete sami odhadnout. Je jasne, ze v dnesni dobe jsou Slunecni hodiny uz spise jen technickou zajimavosti, nez prostredkem pro mereni casu.
Jedny takove hodiny na namesti muzete videt na obrazku 2.

Obrazek 2. Slunecni hodiny

Pozdeji se k mereni casu pouzivala media, jakymi byly jemny pisek - PRESYPACI  nebo voda – VODNI hodiny. Pisek ci voda proudily otvorem  do banky. Objem media v bance rovnomerne narustal, coz bylo zakladem celeho mereni.

MECHANICKE hodiny ci hodinky zna asi kazdy.

ATOMOVE hodiny jsou poslednim soucasnym zpusobem presneho mereni casu. Protoze  tyto hodiny jsou i soucasti druzic systemu GPS, zminime se o nich malinko podrobneji. Atomove hodiny odmeruji sekundu tim, ze „spocitaji“ pocet kmitu elektromagnetickeho zareni vyzareneho atomem Cesia - 133Cs pri prechodu atomu z jedne energeticke hladiny na druhou (vyssi). Energie, ktera tak vznikne, je rovna soucinu one frekvence elmg. zareni  a Planckovy konstanty. Verte nebo ne, ale tech kmitu za 1s je 9 192 631 770.
Prave na teto frekvenci pracuje oscilator atomovych hodin. Frekvence zareni Cesia pak poskytuje REFERENCNI FREKVENCI, na kterou se oscilator atomovych hodin neustale "dorovnava". Takovymto atomovym hodinam se rika CESIOVE ATOMOVE HODINY. Diky velmi stalym vlastnostem Cesia je presnost CESIOVYCH hodin ohromujici. Spletou se pouze o 1s za 15 milionu let. Ale i to je asi prilis, protoze uz ted se vedci snazi zvysit presnost o 2 dalsi rady – tedy 100x.

Casova pasma

Kazde misto na zemekouli se do urcite polohy vuci Slunci dostane 1x za den avsak pokazde v jiny – rekneme absolutni - cas. Zatimco my v ZR mame pri obede odpoledne Slunce nad hlavou, lide v Japonsku - napriklad - uz davno spi, protoze u nich Slunce uz davno zapadlo. Tezko by si Japonci prave v teto chvili prali mit na hodinkach prave poledne a sedet u obeda. Zeme se proto rozdelila na CASOVA PASMA po 15 stupnich – tedy usecich, ktere prekona Slunce za 1 hodinu. Zacatek  - NULTY polednik - je cas s nulovym posunem. Smerem na  VYCHOD od Greenwiche  se po vstupu do  kazdeho  dalsiho casoveho pasma cas zvysuje o 1h, kdezto na ZAPAD pochopitelne o 1h snizuje. Toto geograficke rozdeleni ale samozrejme presne nesouhlasi s hranicemi statu, ktere se logicky snazi o to, aby cela jejich zeme (stat) mela stejny cas. Pokud to ale rozloha dane zeme nedovoli, je nutne (a snad i normalni) zavest i tam pasem vic, protoze lidsky organismus si moc poroucet neda. Poroucet si ovsem ale musi dat napr. v takove Cine, ktera zavedla pres celou zemi (temer 4 normalni casova pasma) casove pasmo jedine. Oni holt umi porucit vetru desti.

Pujdeme-li od Greenwiche na vychod ci na zapad az o priblizne 180 stupnu, narazime na caru, ktere se rika International Date Line, kde se lame den. Najednou se tak stane z utery pondeli nebo obracene, podle smeru prechodu. Mozna dobry tip pro ty, kteri si narikaji jak je 24hodin malo. Mohou si obcas den zopakovat ....

Par  zkratek na zaver

Udaje o posunu plati pro ZIMNI CAS. V LETNIM case je je posun o 1 hodinu vice

Atlantic Standard Time (AST) =  UT - 4
Eastern Standard Time (EST)  =  UT - 5
Central Standard Time (CST)  =  UT – 6
Mountain Standard Time (MST) =  UT - 7
Pacific Standard Time (PST)  =  UT - 8

O kesce:

Ke kesce vede cesta pres dva ukoly

Mistni budou mit mozna urcitou vyhodu, ale o to prece nejde.

Ukol:  1 -  urcit souradnice (N1, E1) STAGE 1
velmi zajimaveho mista, kam se musite pred odlovem finalky dostavit, abyste spravne urcili polohu finalky.

Ukol:  2 - urcit polohu FINALKY a dojit pro krabku. Ctete dal ...

Ukol c. 1 – test pro urceni souradnic N1, E1 (STAGE 1)

1:  Jeden den  Praveho Slunecniho casu je ....       

delsi nez den odmereny pomoci kulminace hvezd

A = 7

kratsi nez den odmereny pomoci kulminace hvezd

A = 6

2:  Behem jednoho roku je pocet otoceni  Zeme kolem sve osy vzhledem k hvezdam ... : 

 stejny  jako pocet otoceni vzhledem ke Slunci

B = 0

o jednu mensi nez pocet otoceni vzhledem ke Slunci

B = 9

o jednu vetsi nez pocet otoceni vzhledem ke Slunci

B = 1

3:  UTC je zkratka pro ...

Universe Time Calculated

C = 2

Universal Time Coordinated

C = 5

4:  UTC je mezinarodne pouzivany cas, ktery je stanoven presnymi  hodinami ....

 a proto nezohlednuje nerovnomerne plynuti casu dane Sluncem

D = 0

 nicmene je korigovan  tak, aby respektoval nerovnomernost plynuti casu pri pohybu Zeme kolem Slunce

D = 4

5:  GMT  ....

je zkratka Genuine Marine Time, odmerujici cas lodi na mori pri navigaci

E = 7

je zkratka Greenwich Mean Time, ktery je v podstate roven casu UTC

E = 6

6:  Slunecni hodiny

odmeruji Stredni slunecni cas

F = 0

odmeruji Pravy slunecni cas

F = 9

7:  Cesiove atomove hodiny urcuji cas na zaklade .....       

mereni polocasu rozpadu atomu Cesia

G = 2

mereni frekvence zareni emitovaneho atomem Cesia

G = 8

8:   Casovy posun mezi jihokorejskym Seoulem a Prahou je 7hodin. Let z Prahy do Seoulu trva 10hodin.
Letadlo startuje z Prahy ve 20:00 lokalniho casu ve stredu.   Co takhle  obed v Seoulu ve ctvrtek ve 12:00 sharp ???            

Stihnu, priletim hodinu pred obedem

H = 9

Priletim presne ve 12:00, brknu aby na mne pockali

H = 0

Bohuzel nestiham .. doufam, ze se nadlabnu  v letadle

H = 5

Souradnice mista vasi prvni zastavky (STAGE 1) jsou:

N1 = 49° 3 A . B C D

E1 = 16° 0 E . F G H

Ukol c.2 – Urceni polohy FINALNI  kesky

V rukou mate toto podivne sdeleni (jako ze samotneho pekla!):

Pred ocima na STAGE 1 mate neco, co s timto sdelenim koresponduje.

Souradnice finalky pak jsou ....

Svoje vypocty/uvahy si v pripade nutnosti klidne proverte pres nas profil:

Krome TB/GC, prosime, vkladejte do kese jen drobne predmety s tematikou "CASU":

Pocatecni obsah kese: loogbook, tuzky, mudlokarta, 1xTB, 1xGC, 1xGeoKret a 2xprstencove slunecni hodiny

Pri logovani budte opatrni a neprozrazujte nic co souvisi s resenim souradnic ani slovne ani fotografii. Dekujeme.

Prejeme vam uspesny lov a pekny vylet

============= ENGLISH ==============

This cache is to remind you of the basic facts concerning the history and exploration of time measurement. Lots of things depend on precise time slicing and so does the GPS system which we are all "so much" familiar with.

Before you pick up the box in a beautiful region of our Highlands, you will have to pass by an interesting spot for you to calculate the final co-ordinates.

ATTENTION!:Prior to setting off, get a copy of Task #2, which you will be referring to at STAGE #1.

PLEASE READ!!!: To come and see is an important part of the hunt. Therefore, DO NOT DO IT BY NIGHT.

How it ALL began?

The time exists since the very first moments of the Universe, but, for long, there was no need for the time to be defined or measured. Biological clock inside organisms functioned well enough. It wasn't until the people felt that the existence of precise time intervals would make their life more orderly.

From biological point of view, it was quite clear, that the measure of time must be derived from natural periodic occurrences such as ANNUAL motion of planets or DAILY rise, set or culmination of the Sun or the Stars. No wonder that THE DAY was considered a fundamental time period representing the shortest cycle of an ordinary human social life

The easiest way of determining ONE-DAY period was by using the SUN. This was so called TRUE(APPARENT) SOLAR TIME. On the other hand, people could still tell the day by the STARS. This way of time was called a SIDEREAL TIME.
Having investigated more, it surfaced, that, as for the legnth of a day period, the two above stated "ways of time" were not exactly the same. The time span between two successive culminations of the Sun was not the same as the one of two successive culminations of the stars. Why was that? ... you may find out from Picture 1.

From Picture 1, it is obvious, that the TRUE SOLAR TIME - the SOLAR DAY lasts longer than the SIDEREAL DAY. It is because the Earth is not only spinning around its own axis, but is also orbiting around the Sun, which makes it move a bit further on during a day with respect to the Sun. This one-day move of the Earth amounts to about 1/365th of the total annual orbit (just a "small" bit of 2,5mil km). So it takes another 4minutes more of rotation for the Earth to appear into exactly the same position towards the Sun as the one it was at on the previous day. This "compensation" does not apply to the stars, since they are too far away from the Earth, therefore, the one-day move of the Earth does not matter at all.

Note: SIDEREAL DAY is 4minutes shorter and lasts approx. 23hod. 56min. After one year the difference amounts to as much as 365 x 4min = 1460min == 1DAY - the ENTIRE DAY!
The fact that the above two measures are not equal did not matter too much. What was important was, that people had something they could call a DAY. It was also clear, that the time measurement would have to be linked to the SUN. It would certainly be quite annoying for everyone to have a noon once in the morning or at night some other time ...
The TRUE SOLAR TIME became the means of determining the length of ONE-DAY interval. It was divided into 12, later into 24 equal portions, that were called HOURS. People got time which matched their lifecycle and rythm of a day and night alternation

Unfortunately, the time, based on the TRUE SUN, does not run regularly

Here is why.  
1. The Earth orbit is an ellipserather then a circle. Therefore, the speed of the Earth varies throughout the year
2. The Earth's axis is tilted with respect to the celectial equator plain (the plain the Earth orbits around the Sun in)

These two facts make the Sun apparent motion around the Earth very irregular.

In order not to miss really anything, we have to consider still some other causes of other irregularities such as the one related to the changes in speed of the Earth spin due to tidal occurrencies or the ever changing position of the Earth's axis. These two events can only be observed by detailed astronomical observations. The time changes may be just fractions of a second, but they still need to be accounted for.

You may check with this cache: GC1JQ0Y in a section dealing withtime equation to find out about the difference betwen the TRUE and MEAN SOLAR TIMES

The difference might reach as much as 15minutes. Plus or minus as the TRUE SOLAR TIME may be ahead of, or fall behind, the MEAN SOLAR TIME. But ... people can still live on that. It does not realy matter whether the SUN culminates at 12:00 a.m. sharp or at 11:50 or 12:15. What do you think?

From time measurement point of view, however, people really opposed such irregualarities, but knew the time measure would still have to exist in a harmony with the nature (EARTH, SUN) and respect all the irregularities.

The solution to this problem was called an already stated MEAN SOLAR TIME, which was later (after some corrections)known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) . This is a time based on a fictitious Sun orbiting the Earth at constant speed intersecting the orbit of another fictitious Sun orbiting at constant speed along the ecliptic in the point of vernal eqinox. Do not worry. No questions asked concerning this in the test :o))

The STARTS, however, were not forgotten! as GMT is measured, monitored and corrected on the basis of so called Universal Time (UT), which is being determined from cumlimation of Stars and other astronomical observations. That is why GMT is sometime reffered to as UTC,  which is corrected form of the UT - see the following overview of the times.

UT 0 ... time derived from astronomical observations with beginning at ZERO meridian

UT 1 ... It is the UT0 but compensated for the errors caused by the drifting of the Earth's axis

UT 2 ... It is the UT 1 compensated for errors caused by changes in the Earth's orbiting speed - rarely used

And now, the BIG ONE:
(or GMT)... UNIVERSAL TIME COORDINATED - presently used - regularly running time in steps corrected so that it never differs from UT1 by more than 0.7s

What was the time measured with?

One of the oldest means of measuring the time was the SUNDIAL , making use of a positon of a shadow cast by its style onto a flat surface marked with line indicating hours of the day. The inaccuracy, arising from the very principle of the clock, was very high. The Sundial tells the time according the position of the TRUE sun. You may guess yourself, what were the possible causes of the inaccuracies. Nowadays, this kind of clock is more a technical curiosity rather then a means of telling the time. The style of the Sundial must point towards TRUE NORTH (not magnetic north) and the angle with horizontal of the style must be equal to the Sundial geographical latitude.
Picture 2 shows nice sundial right on the square of a city.

Later on, media like sand SANDGLASS/HOURGLASS  or water – WATER clock were used to measure the time. The sand or water flew through an opening into a flask. The rise of the amount of the media was proportional to a change in time.

MECHANICAL or WRIST watches are known to everybody.

The ATOMIC clock is a means of very accurate and precise time measurement. This clock is also used in the GPS system, therefore, we will talk about it in a bit more details. Atomic clock tells the period of ONE SECOND by counting cycles of electromagnetic radiation of the atom of Caesium - 133Cs on its transition from one energy level onto the other (higher) one. The given-off energy equals to the frequency of radiation multiplied by the Planck constant. Believe or no, there are as many as 9 192 631 770 cycles within just 1 second CAESIUM's frequency provides a reference frequency for the oscillator of the atomic clock, which keeps it running at very very stable rate and accuracy. This clock is called a CESIUM ATOMIC CLOCK. Thanks to the stability of the Cesium atom, the accuracy of the clock is really staggering. This clock misses just 1s over 15 million years. But even this does not seem to be good enough for the scientists, who are now striving to build a clock 100times more accurate than the existing one.

Time Zones

Every place on the Earth finds itself at certain unique position with respect to the Sun just once a day but - let's say - at different absolute time. When the Czechs have the Sun right over their heads at noon while having lunch, the Japeneese are about to go to bed, because the Sun there is already well below horizon. They would hardly like their watches to show 12:00 o'clock at this time. That is why the Earth is divided into TIME ZONES of 15 degrees each. Each zone width corresponds to an angle which the Sun covers in 1 hour on its apparent motion around the Earth. ZERO ZONE - 0° meridian - at Greenwich - is the start. The time then increases by 1 hour on the border of two adjacent zones when moving eastward, and decreases by 1 hour when moving westward. This geographical division (along the meridians) may not respect the bordres of individual countries, so the TIME ZONES are very often "modified" so as to suit the country's life and needs. If the country is so big, that it spreads over several time zones, it is logical, that the people of such a country have to get used to having different time at different distant parts of the country. This may not, however, be always the case, as in China - for example - the country which takes up 4 time zones - there is only ONE time for all.

Should we proceed around the globe as far as 180 Degree east- or west-ward, we'd cross a so called International Date Line, which separates two different days of a week. You may turn from Tuesday to Monday or vice versa depending which difection you are crossing the line from. This might be a good idea for those running short of time.

A few abbreviations at the end

The data of the shift apply to the WINTER TIME. During the SUMMER TIME the shift is by one more

Atlantic Standard Time (AST) =  UT - 4
Eastern Standard Time (EST)  =  UT - 5
Central Standard Time (CST)  =  UT – 6
Mountain Standard Time (MST) =  UT - 7
Pacific Standard Time (PST)  =  UT - 8

About the cache:

You are gonna have to go through two stages (solve two tasks) in order to find the cache

Task 1: -  telling the co-ordinates (N1, E1) of STAGE 1
a very nice spot for you to get at, so that you can figure out the final co-ordinates

Task 2: - figure out the position of the FINAL and get the cache. Keep on reading ...

Task #1 – A test to find out N1, E1 (STAGE 1) co-ordinates

1:  One day of the TRUE SOLAR TIME is ....       

longer than that measured by the culmination of the Stars

A = 7

shorter than that measured by the culmination of the Stars

A = 6

2:  With respect to the stars the number of revolutions of the Earth around its axis throughout the year is ...

the same as the number of revolutions with respect to the Sun

B = 0

By ONE smaller than the number of revolutios with respect to the Sun

B = 9

By ONE greater the number of revolutios with respect to the Sun

B = 1

3:  UTC stands for ...

Universe Time Calculated

C = 2

Universal Time Coordinated

C = 5

4:  UTC is used worldwide as an international time, which is set by a precise regular clock ....

 and as such does not allow for irregularities arrising from the nature of the Universe

D = 0

 nonetheless it is being corrected  so as to allow for the irregularities arrising from the nature of the Universe

D = 4

5:  GMT  ....

stands for Genuine Marine Time, when measuring the time on the sea during navigation

E = 7

stands for Greenwich Mean Time, which is basically equal to the UTC

E = 6

6:  Sundial

measures the MEAN SOLAR TIME

F = 0

measures the TRUE SOLAR TIME

F = 9

7:  Cesium atomic clock works on the principle .....       

of measuring the half-life time od the Cesium atom

G = 2

of measuring the frequency of the radiation radiated out by the atom of Cesium

G = 8

8:   The time shift between Seoul nad Prague is 7 hours. The flight from Seoul to Prague takes 10hours.
The airplane flies out from Prague at 20:00 local time on Wednesday. What about the lunch in Seoul on Thursday at 12:00 sharp?

OK, I'll be there as I will be arriving in Seoul an hour before the lunch

H = 9

I'll arrive just exactly at 12:00. I'll give them a ring to wait for me

H = 0

I'a afraid, I won't make. I hope to stuff myself with lunch aboard the plane.

H = 5

The co-ordinates of the spot of your first stop (STAGE 1)are:

N1 = 49° 3 A . B C D

E1 = 16° 0 E . F G H

Check it out here:

Task No.2 – Co-ordinates of the FINAL cache

Here is a weird message in your hands (as though from the hell itself!):

At STAGE 1, there is something in sight, which corresponds to the message.

The final co-ordinate are then ....

Feel free to contact us in case you feel so

Besides the TB/GC, have the box contain just small "TIME" related items:

Initial contents of the cache: loogbook, pens, muggles' card, 1xTB, 1xGC, 1xGeoKret a 2x ring like sundial

Be careful not to blow the lid off the secret :o)) Thanks.

We wish you luck and a nice trip

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[STAGE 1: CZ] Qboer fr qvirw n cerzlfyrw - fbhprg ifrpu pvfyvp fbhenqavp svanyxl wr 67. Svany qb 180z bq FG1 [STAGE 1: EN] Gnxr n tbbq ybbx nebhaq naq guvax - fhz bs nyy qvtvgf bs gur pb-pbeqf vf 67. Svany jvguva 180z sebz FG1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FINAL: CZ] Uyrqrw ppn ir ilfv bpv [FINAL: EN] Frnepu ng rlr uvtug

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)