Neighbourly Neighbours - Cooleman Ridge Traditional Cache
Neighbourly Neighbours - Cooleman Ridge
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6th of six in my Neighbourly Neigbhours Series
This is the 6th of six traditional caches that will take you up a few hills around the southern suburbs of Canberra.
The idea is to get new cachers up these hills to find this, and the other caches on offer on the particular hill.
For the not so new cachers, this is your chance to revisit some of your earlier climbs and nearby finds and to be reminded of some of the marvelous views on offer.
As an added bonus, each of these six caches will hold a clue to a final mystery cache located in Namadgi National Park. Although the climb for the final mystery is little easier, the views are well worth the effort of the finding the first six caches.
This cache.
This cache is place on the Cooleman Ridge Nature Reserve.
Once you find this cache, note the clue for the final cache. The clue is a letter and a single number stuck on the under side of the cache lid. Eg P = 6
The attached photo's were taken from GZ.
The other cache in this area that you may wish to find is:
1. GCJ241 - Red It Is.
Happy hunting.
*******FTF - mtrax*******
Additional Hints
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