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Basilica of Györ Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Saarbrigger: It seams to be gone and obviously I do not have the time to fix it at the moment.

Enjoy the game as I did when I was in it.


Hidden : 12/29/2008
1.5 out of 5
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The satellite receiving may be a bit difficult at the last 5 m. This Mirco includes a small pen. Please be carefull by putting it back in place. Watch the muggels around. It may be difficult to log due to muggels.

History of the Basilica of Györ

Saint Stephen established the Gyõr Episcopate in the first decade of his reign (1000-1009). The foundation of the Gyõr Basilica was also laid down during his time. At the end of the XI. century the sources already write about a three-nave church with raised sanctuary. The first towers were built during bishop Omodé (1257-1267). Bishop János Héderváry built a gothic chapel at the end of the XIV. century on the southern part of the church, where now you can find the herm of Saint Ladislaus and the memorial tomb of bishop Vilmos Apor. One tower of the church collapsed in a fire after the Mohács battle (1526), and later - around 1580 - an explosion pulled down also the other. The restoration of the church is associated with the name of bishop György Draskovich (1635-1650). He entrusted the famed Italian architect Giovanni Battista Rava with the planning. The tower and the sacristy were built already under bishop György Széchenyi (1659-1681). The baroque renewal of the church interior was made under bishop Ferenc Zichy (1743-1783). The plans were made by Menyhért Hefele, while the frescoes and a part of the altar-pieces were painted by Franz Anton Maulbertsch and his pupils. Some of the altar buildings and statues were made in the stone-carving workshop of J. Gotschall in Wien. The Blessed Virgin-picture decorating the altar of the northern side nave made the church one of the most significant pilgrimage sites in Hungary. For the fortification of the tower, Jakab Handler built a neo-classic facade on the western side in 1823. At the beginning of our century it was given basilica-type roof and was equipped with neo-Romanesque details on the basis of the plans by Sándor Aigner and Károly Csányi. The Basilica was restored between 1968 and 1972.

Basilica of Györ

Sacral relics at the Basilica of Györ

Saint Ladislaus' Herm

The most significant sacral relic in Hungary, in addition to the Holy Crown and the Holy Right. The bones were taken out from the Nagyvárad tomb in 1192 when Saint Ladislaus was canonized, and the saint king’s skull was first placed in a simple relic repository, and later in the herm, and was kept in the Nagyvárad Cathedral. The cloisonné enamel chest-side of the herm is the first relic of the ornamental enamel technology that spread over Europe later. This goldsmith masterpiece, which is considered to be the most beautiful herm in Europe, is the only authentic representation of a king of the Árpád-dynasty. Demeter Náprági, Bishop of Transylvania, took the holy relic to Gyõr when he was nominated Bishop of Gyõr in 1607. The saint king’s herm is shown round on a festive procession every year on 27th June.

Saint Ladislaus Herm

Memorial Tomb of Bishop Vilmos Apor

Vilmos Apor was born on 29th February 1892 of a Transylvanian noble family. He was ordained in 1915. First chaplain, then army chaplain, and from 1915 he was parish priest in Gyula. Ha was a socially very sensitive pastor, who was nominated Gyõr Bishop on 2nd March 1941. During the Second World War he strongly opposed violence and persecution. He was shot dead by Russian soldiers on 2nd April 1945 while trying to defend women and girls seeking refuge in the Bishop’s Castle. Pope John Paul II. beatified the martyr bishop on 9th November 1997.

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version 1.5 (29.12.2013): New cache box. New Logbook #5
version 1.6 (24.08.2014): New cache box. New Logbook #6

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